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One year until the distance is gone .. we have no idea what to do until then .. Help

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    One year until the distance is gone .. we have no idea what to do until then .. Help

    Hello! Let me first introduce myself - I'm 17 (soon to be 18), from Bulgaria. My boy is 17 years too also from Bulgaria but in different city 450km (280 miles) away from me. We've met on an IT competition in April, gone to another IT competition in June and since then we started texting. I found him cute since the day I saw him first. He is very shy, smart and handsome and we found out he have a lot in common so after 4 weeks of texting I've decided to go to his city and see him. We had great time together and we admitted that we love each other.

    But we have no idea should we keep a relationship. Next year we both plan applying to the same university which means June or September 2017 is our distance deadline. He said he definitely wants to be with me when we are both in one city but for now we have no idea what to do.

    Please give me some advises because I really like him and I don't want to lose him.

    I know the relationship is not a competition or something, but living in the same country and being only 450kms apart is a huge advantage!
    You visited him once already, could you do it again? Or could he do the same? At least on holidays. You could also text, call via Skype or phone and do other LDR activities together during this year.
    Also, I think dealing with distance will be less hard since you'll both be busy cause of entrance exams next year.

    On the other hand you should consider whether you or your SO can deal with distance psychologically at all. It might be a better motivation during the whole year, or it might be a distraction and end up affecting you worse. It's all individual and it's you and your SO who have to decide it depending on those personal qualities. Or maybe you could try it out and see how things go, rather than starting a committed serious relationship right away.

    A year is not such a long time. I am meeting my SO for the first time in a year and as hard as it is, I am often just glad I have someone like him at all, even if the closest I can get to him is my computer screen

    Best of luck :3


      If it's something you both want then you should definitely give it a shot. It's a lot of work but can be totally worth it. You'd be surprised how fast a year can go if you keep busy. My wife and I were LDR for 5 years before we lived together. Good Luck!

      "True love isn't about being inseparable; it’s about two people being true to each other even when they are separated."
      Married April 18th, 2015!!
      Distance Closed October 4th, 2015!!


        Im from bulgaria too and 17 hehe but my SO is from the UK.I say go for it if it feels right!If you feel this person is worth the wait , if you feel something with him that youve never felt before and if you just feel an unique connection you shouldnt miss out on him!Think about it enough tho and talk to him openly about all your worries.I wish you all the best <3


          Thank you for the advises <3 I think we will try to keep a long distance relationship. We motivate each other to study hard so we can make our dream come true. Haha and I hope that one year flies away fast too ^_^

