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Not Communicating Enough..One Sided

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    Not Communicating Enough..One Sided

    My SO and I are about 2 1/2 hours apart. I always text and call him he never texts and calls me. Its very rare that he will do it on his own. There have been weeks here or there where there is minimal communication, sometimes for days. He gets like this when he gets into a funk he just shuts out the world. No explanation I just get put on silence. We have Skype maybe four times in the last six months, I suggested we need to do this at once weekly. We text more than we talk on the phone and if we do talk on the phone it's sometimes only once a week. He will be great for texting me back within a timely manner and than a week will come where it's just crap. Hours and hours no response. And I don't call or text his phone incessantly. We do see each other once a week. He works swing shifts and he has a part time job too. I get that he is very busy, but if you are busy just let me know. I get nothing. If I call him I never get a call back. I get anxiety when I don't hear from him for long periods of time. I mean I am not asking him to blow up my phone but he should want to communicate with me right? I just don't know what to think. I love this man, we were previously engaged 12 years ago. Lived together for a short while and than did long distance for a year and half. I just feel like he doesn't care and the sad part on his end it would take very little for me to feel like he cared. What should I do? We just officially started dating about a month ago, but have been seeing each other casually since February.

    Everyone requires different amounts of communication. Maybe he thinks that since he sees you weekly that it's not as necessary to keep up a ton of communication in between times, especially since he is so busy. What you may see as minimal communication he may see as talking or texting with you enough during the week. You two need to discuss together what you each think is resonable and then compromise. Eventually, it comes down to if he can't give you what you want and you can't compromise, you need to consider if you really want to be in an LDR.

    Honestly, if I got to see my SO once a week, I wouldn't be so concerned about a lot of texting and talking throughout the week. As it is, I haven't seen him in over a year and in that time, we've maybe been on Skype 6 or 7 times. We text a few times a day and maybe talke for 5 minutes each day. He's really busy, so I work with that. It doesn't mean he loves me less than I love him because of the lack of communication.
    To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

    ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.

