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He let on why he was so distant?

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    He let on why he was so distant?

    I have posted a couple threads on this and now my questions have been answered by him, but opened up a whole new set of frustrations. I have been in a LDR for about a month, we dated a month before he left. He was extremely enthusiastic for an LDR and was the one asking to be my boyfriend. Now he wants to take things slower (due to stress) and actually brought our title to dating exclusively. I told him how much that hurts me and he told me I should leave, so that he doesn't hurt me anymore. I feel like I have been teased and I told him I care about him and can't just walk away I truly care about him and he is the 1st guy I have connected w/nearly a year after my 1st relationship. Then he says he wants what I want, but if I am going to freak out (I kinda did today internally at least), I would lose him. I am so confused? Does he want me or not?

    What is there to be confused about?

    He finally got tired of your behaviours. It's been a month and you bring up your frustrations what, everyday?
    Do you think giving a guy chance to improve but then freaking out almost the next day is okay?

    Do what everyone on this site told you. Leave. You don't want this relationship. To me, it sounds like you are playing with his emotions even now. Intentionally or not.
    Last edited by C.C.; July 14, 2016, 11:27 PM.


      You have been in this relationship for two months and already you have frustrations? It's shouldn't be this complicated this early on. I kind of don't blame him in this case of wanting to take things slow. It's too soon to have this much drama... You should getting to know each other right now and it should be fun.

      "True love isn't about being inseparable; it’s about two people being true to each other even when they are separated."
      Married April 18th, 2015!!
      Distance Closed October 4th, 2015!!


        I have to agree with C.C. on this one. It seems like it has been nothing but issues because you are never happy with anything he does. Nothing is enough for you. Now youve talked and it's more frustrations. IMHO, you need to break it off and spend some time working on you as an individual. Maybe see a therapist to work on your insecurities. That, or find someone locally who requires just as much attention and reinforcement as you do.
        To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

        ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.

