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I miss hearing from him?

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    I miss hearing from him?

    I have posted before. Sunday he made it final, he said he wanted to be alone and we could be close friends w/potential. I haven't heard from him in 5 days, I deleted his # and off of social media. Everyday I looked forward to texting back and forth and once week skype sessions that could last a couple hours into the wee hours of the morning. I miss that a lot? I am doing my best to occupy my time, but in the back of my mind I am wondering if he will ever contact me again, I have left that ball in his court. Thoughts? He also wasn't thrilled for me to date other guys and he said he wouldn't date anyone. I'm not gonna sit and wait for him tho, cause the silence is very loud.
    Last edited by MehMehMeh2013; July 23, 2016, 03:25 AM.

    A DISCLAIMER: This is not a hate post. I am just trying once again to make you see the different approach which you are closing your eyes to and making the threads about basically the same problems.

    Originally posted by MehMehMeh2013 View Post
    I have posted before. Sunday he made it final, he said he wanted to be alone and we could be close friends w/potential. I haven't heard from him in 5 days, I deleted his # and off of social media.
    This means he made his final decision. He doesn't want to go back to you. You might miss him, you might think it's unfair, but you need to respect that decision and give him space.

    Everyday I looked forward to texting back and forth and once week skype sessions that could last a couple hours into the wee hours of the morning. I miss that a lot?
    Yes you miss it now, but you weren't happy with it when it happened right? You blamed it on him not caring enough and you weren't satisfied anyway. It's more than okay to miss the good from past relationships, but you do know that if you went back, it'd be the same and maybe even worse? People don't change overnight, and sorry, but you two didn't seem like a match.

    I am doing my best to occupy my time, but in the back of my mind I am wondering if he will ever contact me again, I have left that ball in his court. Thoughts? He also wasn't thrilled for me to date other guys and he said he wouldn't date anyone. I'm not gonna sit and wait for him tho, cause the silence is very loud.
    You have a wrong approach about relationships. Common but wrong. Despite you claiming otherwise.
    You didn't try to communicate the right way.
    You think that if you date others, he'll feel jealous and come back to you. You think that if you stay away for long enough, he'll come back to you. You are acting like the relationships worked based on who plays the game better, not based on trust and communication. Relationships are built between two people who respect each other, who are open with each other, they are kept by the personalities, characteristics, understandings of the people involved. Do you realise that you are guilty of the same thing you blame him for just as much?
    Well, I can't blame you, it's probably how it happens around you, and how you were used to, and I think you will find a lot of guys who are looking for something like that, I am just saying it's not as stable and will never be.
    HOWEVER, as this guy made it clear ALREADY, he doesn't want that or a relationship with you. You feel whatever you want to feel and do whatever you want to do, it's your life, but respect his choices. Men aren't some robots without feelings, respect his decision and move on. Forget this guy.

    As for occupying yourself, go out with friends, maybe even get to know new people. Take up a hobby, what works the best in my case is drawing, for example~ Also spoil yourself for a while, go to the places you love, buy the things you love, etc.

    Best of luck~


      Originally posted by C.C. View Post
      A DISCLAIMER: This is not a hate post. I am just trying once again to make you see the different approach which you are closing your eyes to and making the threads about basically the same problems.

      This means he made his final decision. He doesn't want to go back to you. You might miss him, you might think it's unfair, but you need to respect that decision and give him space.


      HOWEVER, as this guy made it clear ALREADY, he doesn't want that or a relationship with you. You feel whatever you want to feel and do whatever you want to do, it's your life, but respect his choices. Men aren't some robots without feelings, respect his decision and move on. Forget this guy.

      As for occupying yourself, go out with friends, maybe even get to know new people. Take up a hobby, what works the best in my case is drawing, for example~ Also spoil yourself for a while, go to the places you love, buy the things you love, etc.

      Best of luck~
      Well said and very good advice.


        Originally posted by C.C. View Post
        A DISCLAIMER: This is not a hate post. I am just trying once again to make you see the different approach which you are closing your eyes to and making the threads about basically the same problems.

        This means he made his final decision. He doesn't want to go back to you. You might miss him, you might think it's unfair, but you need to respect that decision and give him space.

        Yes you miss it now, but you weren't happy with it when it happened right? You blamed it on him not caring enough and you weren't satisfied anyway. It's more than okay to miss the good from past relationships, but you do know that if you went back, it'd be the same and maybe even worse? People don't change overnight, and sorry, but you two didn't seem like a match.

        You have a wrong approach about relationships. Common but wrong. Despite you claiming otherwise.
        You didn't try to communicate the right way.
        You think that if you date others, he'll feel jealous and come back to you. You think that if you stay away for long enough, he'll come back to you. You are acting like the relationships worked based on who plays the game better, not based on trust and communication. Relationships are built between two people who respect each other, who are open with each other, they are kept by the personalities, characteristics, understandings of the people involved. Do you realise that you are guilty of the same thing you blame him for just as much?
        Well, I can't blame you, it's probably how it happens around you, and how you were used to, and I think you will find a lot of guys who are looking for something like that, I am just saying it's not as stable and will never be.
        HOWEVER, as this guy made it clear ALREADY, he doesn't want that or a relationship with you. You feel whatever you want to feel and do whatever you want to do, it's your life, but respect his choices. Men aren't some robots without feelings, respect his decision and move on. Forget this guy.

        As for occupying yourself, go out with friends, maybe even get to know new people. Take up a hobby, what works the best in my case is drawing, for example~ Also spoil yourself for a while, go to the places you love, buy the things you love, etc.

        Best of luck~
        I actually sat him down to talk to him (over skype) about the issue as soon as I started feeling him pull away. He was 1/2 listening while playing video games. After that incident the more I thought about how he was treating me the more upset I got, I acted kind of impulsively when telling him I would date others. I don't regret doing what I did because at least I found out early. Just that the rejection hurts especially by a guy who told me trust him and that he wouldn't hurt me (yeah I know stupid of me), I did develop feelings and he left me confused and hurt. As for leaving things up to him, that is contact only, I'm not waiting around for him, I'm planning my own things to do, volunteering, being w/friends etc. At the moment I don't feel like dating, but don't turn down a guy if he asks me out. Btw I deleted him off of social media and his # off of my phone, since the convo I haven't reached out at all. By these actions I am giving myself peace and I know by not having that temptation around I will heal a lot quicker.
        Last edited by MehMehMeh2013; July 23, 2016, 01:13 PM.


          Originally posted by MehMehMeh2013 View Post
          I acted kind of impulsively when telling him I would date others. I don't regret doing what I did because at least I found out early. Just that the rejection hurts especially by a guy who told me trust him and that he wouldn't hurt me (yeah I know stupid of me), I did develop feelings and he left me confused and hurt.
          I just want to point out that really you need to take some responsibility for your own actions here. Yes this is probably a bit harsh but all you're doing here is acting like he's hurt you all so badly and you're such a victim. You told him you would date other guys and hurt his feelings, you hurt him so badly that he doesn't want to be with you and yet he's still the bad person and he's hurt you with the rejection but you hurt him just as much but telling him and you need to realise that you're just as much as fault here as he is. I don't normally do this, but you need to realise you're both at fault here before you can move on and heal.
          Best of luck with working on yourself and healing
          my girls <3

          Josie (SO)
          Met online ~ 17th August 2017 ~
          Met in person ~ 30th August 2017 ~
          Became official ~ 15th September 2017 ~
          Closed the distance and moved in together! ~ 18th June 2018 ~

          Met online ~ 21st November 2018 ~
          Met in person ~ 26th November 2018 ~
          Became official ~ 4th December 2018 ~
          All moved in together! ~ 30th May 2019 ~

