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Delayed by at least a month

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    Delayed by at least a month

    So, as I've said a few times before, in June I moved to a small town where I know approximately no one. I spend my days in the hospital, so I know people there, but most everyone is older, has their own family, etc. The other interns (there are 6 of us), really aren't around here on the weekends, including the one girl whose family is actually local, as she only gets to see her boyfriend on the weekends, and he lives 45 minutes away.

    It's making for some loneliness, and I had been counting down the days until Thanksgiving because then I could at least see some people I knew. Namely, Penn, and his family. I don't have enough time off to travel up to visit my parents for the holiday, as I only get the day of and the day after off from my internship. Considering my parents live 6 hours away, and will most likely be going out to my grandparents', who are two hours beyond that, I'd have to leave my apartment at 6 in the morning in order to JUST make it in time for "dinner" at 2 PM. And that's not figuring in holiday traffic, which I would most assuredly run into.

    So I was banking on Penn coming home for that holiday, and I'd just spend it with him and his family. Also, this would have been nice, because our two year anniversary is the week before, and we could actually celebrate an anniversary together, and also sort of do a delayed birthday for me (my birthday is in October), because, circumstances as they've been, we've never been together for either my birthday or any big anniversary.

    He's not coming home. I completely understand why. He's still trying to get on his feet, and he's in a bit of debt at the moment since he hasn't gotten a paycheck yet (he gets paid this Friday), and probably won't have enough money to buy a plane ticket here, especially not over a holiday weekend.

    So I guess it'll probably be turkey sandwiches alone in my apartment. It's just bumming me out.

    If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around

    Oh hun, I'm so sorry to hear that. No one wants to spend Thanksgiving alone. I hope you can find some way to do something on Turkey Day to make it better. Maybe you can volunteer at your local women's shelter?

    LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


      I am sorry hon. Disappointment sucks.

      I hope you are able to find someone to spend the holiday with...*hugs*
      NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


        I'm sorry that happened =[
        I agree with Silviar in the volunteering. I hope you find someone to spend Thanksgiving with =]


          *hugs* I'm sorry! Hopefully you'll find something to do or someone to spend it with.

