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Can it work?

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    Can it work?

    Hi guys so I might be over thinking things and worrying here but I'm with a girl now who I met over a month ago. She's great and we have a crazy amount of things in common. The issue is that she lives 3 and 1/2 hours away, what's worse is that it's relatively close to London so travelling down is always expensive. She's 19 and I'm almost 18 so we have the advantage of being able to drive which I have done before for her. All I want to know is whether it can work? We are strong as a couple but there's always the insecurity of being able to spend time together. There's the additional pressure to see family and things being from a divorcee family where both sides are wanting to spend as much time with me as possible. I don't get close to people very easily at all so I don't want to give up but don't know what to do yet. I really do welcome any advice. Thank you

    Well, look at it like posted this question on a site that wouldn't exist if these kind of relationships couldn't work. Sure it can, but it's really up to you and your girlfriend how much you want it. 3 1/2 hours is much less distance than most of us have, and you even get to be in the same country, so the biggest LD issues have already been solved for you. Just decide if this is something you both are willing to commit to and do it. As long as you communicate, have trust in each other, don't take each other for granted, and respect each other, it could work quite nicely. Don't let insecurities wreck things for you, insecurities kill relationships, they kill 'em. I can't tell you how yo get rid of them, but you have to be reasonable and give it your best. Good luck!
    Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


      I feel like the time it takes is irrelevant but obviously tailoring it around work makes it an important factor. As for insecurities, I hope trust builds and insecurities disappear! Thank you, you've given me a new perspective on it all


        Distance can make things more complicated, but only if you let it. If you try and see each other once every 2/3 weeks (which is completely do-able with your distance) then you have a good balance of seeing each other and spending time with family. Moon is right though insecurities do wreck relationships so try not to worry so much and trust your girl! If both of you are willing to give LD a try and are committed then I'm sure everything will be fine!

