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My NC diary

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    My NC diary

    So, I saw him and got some of the closure I needed. It was sad leaving him again but I'm glad I did it. We are still on good terms and are both sad it didn't work out, but I know I need to move forward now. He's been on a couple of dates with somebody else which upset me a bit, but i guess she's there and I'm not. He was very interested in asking about my current dating activity too.

    I've always thought the NC rule is ridiculous. But I think I need it at the moment until my emotions are a bit clearer. I've had so much support from people on here that I think posting a diary/blog on here may help me to stick to it.

    I'm really sorry in advance if it annoys anybody and I won't be offended if people choose not to read it! It's more an outlet for myself than anything else.

    So here 1! They say 30 days right? 😳😁

    Post when you need to. We all belong and support each other. Be sure and take good care of yourself.


      Glad you got the closure you needed.


        Best of luck with this! It's tough but we're here to help and listen.


          Closure is very important in order to move on, I am glad you had this opportunity. We are here for you!


            Originally posted by Teacherfairy View Post
            So, I saw him and got some of the closure I needed. It was sad leaving him again but I'm glad I did it. We are still on good terms and are both sad it didn't work out, but I know I need to move forward now. He's been on a couple of dates with somebody else which upset me a bit, but i guess she's there and I'm not. He was very interested in asking about my current dating activity too.

            I've always thought the NC rule is ridiculous. But I think I need it at the moment until my emotions are a bit clearer. I've had so much support from people on here that I think posting a diary/blog on here may help me to stick to it.

            I'm really sorry in advance if it annoys anybody and I won't be offended if people choose not to read it! It's more an outlet for myself than anything else.

            So here 1! They say 30 days right? ����
            For me, it depends on what they did/didn't do for me. My (ex)wife n' I divorced in 2000. I haven't spoken to her since. Because she almost let me die out of blatant ignorance. My first (ex)fiance n' I split after four years. While she did help me where my physical health was concerned. She was emotionally abusive. So, I will not speak to her. My second (ex)fiance n' I lasted five years. I still talk to her. Because she doesn't have a mean bone in her body.

            First Visit: September 2016
            Second Visit: January 2017 (Her birthday)
            Third Visit: June 2018 (medical conference near her home)

            John 3:16
            For God so loved the world. That he gave his only begotten son. For whosoever believeth in him. Shall not perish but have eternal life
            John 4:12
            I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


              Day 3 today. Been feeling pretty up and down these last few days, but managing to keep myself busy so that I'm not thinking about it. Exercise is keeping me calm, as are lots of lovely lunches with my even lovelier friends. Cried my eyes out at a tearjerker film last night, that helped!


                Originally posted by Chris516 View Post
                For me, it depends on what they did/didn't do for me. My (ex)wife n' I divorced in 2000. I haven't spoken to her since. Because she almost let me die out of blatant ignorance. My first (ex)fiance n' I split after four years. While she did help me where my physical health was concerned. She was emotionally abusive. So, I will not speak to her. My second (ex)fiance n' I lasted five years. I still talk to her. Because she doesn't have a mean bone in her body.
                I totally agree. I have ex's that I can and can't talk to too. I haven't worked it out this time yet. He's selfish, and often very blunt, but I don't think he's a bad person. But then my friends tell me I always see the good in people...


                  I think you are doing things right, teacher~

                  Also, I am one of those people who see good in others as well. And I think it helps one to have more clear mind and focus on their own lives instead of having strong negative emotions towards the other person.
                  When I broke up with my SO before (we got back together since) it was on negative vibes so we were both mad at each other when it happened and I basically "moved on" in spite of him. It didn't really help because I started feeling empty and depressed after more than a month.

                  However it does depend on how much harm your ex did and stuff. But I think you saying "he's not a bad person" is still a good sign, especially if you do really think so~


                    Day 5 today. Tried out a new gym class (oh my goodness it was tough!), and have started putting plans into place to save for my own place. Feeling positive 😊


                      Day 13 already! He contacted me last weekend, so I have to confess I did break this and reply. I still care about him so it was hard not to. That was day 6 though and I've not spoken to him since.

                      On the whole I've been surprised by how positive I've been. Have felt a bit down the past couple of days but I guess that was to be expected at some point. Just need to keep doing lots to keep myself busy....


                        Why is this all so bad why couldnt we shutdown a relationship in the beginning? This is such a misery


                          Originally posted by Lost soul View Post
                          Why is this all so bad why couldnt we shutdown a relationship in the beginning? This is such a misery
                          I'm sorry.. I have no clue what you mean by this comment???


                            I m passing thru this thing myself so was just wondering


                              Originally posted by Lost soul View Post
                              Why is this all so bad why couldnt we shutdown a relationship in the beginning? This is such a misery
                              I don't regret anything ever. It's tough but I'd rather try than never find out! Better to have loved and lost than never loved at they say

