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I can't believe it, but I finally met my SO! :D

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    I can't believe it, but I finally met my SO! :D

    I know I usually post sad things but not this time lol. Something happy actually happened to me. I got to finally meet my SO after all the crap we've been through. I just decided to risk it all and take this chance. So here's what happened...

    So right when I leave my house there's a huge thunderstorm. I am like "Oh crap, this can't be a good omen." But as soon as I get gas in my car it started to clear up. The drive to the airport was smooth sailing after that. I arrived at the airport kinda nervous because I have never flown alone before, but I have been on this airline before so it wasn't too bad. Until my flight got delayed 20 minutes because I think there was some sort of medical emergency on the flight before mine. There were paramedics everywhere lol.

    It wasn't until my plane descended into Philadelphia that it finally hit me. In a few short minutes I will finally get to meet the man I love for the first time ever. My heart was pounding out of my chest. I look at my phone to see where he was at and he told me that he was outside. For some reason it took a really long time to exit this plane after I landed. It took 10 minutes for them to get us all off this plane at least. What morons! I can't believe they didn't crash the plane lol jk.

    Anyway I told him I was going to get the rest of my baggage at baggage claim (which was a long walk btw) and that I would meet him outside then. I finally get to baggage claim and I was looking for my stuff when I heard a load booming voice yell KRISTIN! I instinctively jumped and said Yes?! before I turned around to finally see him there standing a few feet behind me (lol he surprised/scared me when he used his cop voice on me lol). I then ran into his arms where we hugged for the longest time. And then he kissed me for the first time. He is way taller than me so he had to look down quite a bit to reach my lips (which was so cute lol) It wasn't a make-out kiss, but more of a very gentle and loving kiss. I then got the rest of my stuff and then we left to go to his car to drive us to our hotel room (yes he got us a room lol)

    Lots of dirty stuff happened during this car ride lol and it was amazing If my heart wasn't pounding before it was then lol. And he could feel that when he had his hand on my chest lol. He kept asking me if I was all right, which was really sweet. And he kept telling me to relax which was easier said than done btw!

    We finally made it to our hotel and as soon as we make it to our room we had sex I lost my virginity to him which made things even more exciting lol. It hurt but it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would lol. My SO is as good as he says he is I will give him that lol. He was really gentle with me not just in the sexual term but in general too. I really love that side of him Afterwards we cuddled for a long time and I finally got to know what exactly this man does during his free time. He watches Youtube videos of people beating the crap out of each other in Philly. Lol he's so dumb, but I gotta admit they were entertaining lol. I got my period the very next day which was not cool at all. My SO was very understanding though. He kissed my forehead and told me that it isn't my fault and that I couldn't control it. I was still upset about that and other things that day but whenever I am in his arms all my bad feelings just melt away and I calm down eventually

    On the last day I was there (which was Sunday) he showed me all of North Philly, South Philly, and Center City. He also showed me the district that he works in and also places he used to work for. He really was a great tour guide. He made sure I saw everything and helped me take great pictures. Also while we were driving a cop car full of young cops goes zooming past us, and they looked like they were fooling around and having fun lol. Well one guy's hat goes flying out the window and my SO stopped to pick it up. He didn't know those guys but he just looked so happy interacting with them and it made me happy too. Plus we were just couldn't believe that just happened. He told me that in the few years that he's been a cop that he never saw a guy's hat just fly out the window like that. It was too funny.

    Then it was time for me to head to the airport We had ourselves a great little date there, but it had to end eventually. From our whole tour drive to our drive to the airport he never let go of my hand (except if it was to make a turn lol.) So we arrive at our destination and he helped me get the rest of my things out of his car. We then embraced for one last time, and he held me so tightly as if he was trying to remember the feel of my body. He then gave me many little kisses on my forehead and my nose before his lips finally reached mine.

    He then told me to have a safe fight back and to text him once I made it home alright, and then we went our separate ways Overall I am glad I decided to go visit him. He is just as sweet as can be and just an overall gentle and nice guy. He spent so much money on me though, but so did I with me buying my ticket and everything, so I think we broke even lol. I really do love him and I love his city but I am in no hurry to close the distance yet lol. I am just not ready and I don't think he is too. We'll continue dating as we are now to see what our future has for us. Our next meeting will be during his birthday, which is the first week of November and also our 2 year anniversary It's tough requesting time off for his work but he is usually guaranteed vacation time for his birthday if he asks for it off and he told me he will I have been home since Sunday evening and I already can't wait to see him next time. I miss him so much already I hope we have a future together and can break through the distance! I will upload the rest of my pics too lol

    So happy that you had fun and a meaningful visit. Cheers and best of luck to you both!


      Originally posted by Katy_G View Post
      So happy that you had fun and a meaningful visit. Cheers and best of luck to you both!
      Thank you! And I just read your blog. Congrats to you too in closing the distance


        Hm. Thinking about it now, you sure it was really your period? When I lost my virginity to my crappy ex before Mike, I bled for a bit afterward. And, I had cramping too. Maybe that was it??

        Also, YAYYY. Lol.

        P.S. - When you find out the date you're coming back, let me knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.


          Originally posted by whatruckus View Post
          Hm. Thinking about it now, you sure it was really your period? When I lost my virginity to my crappy ex before Mike, I bled for a bit afterward. And, I had cramping too. Maybe that was it??

          Also, YAYYY. Lol.

          P.S. - When you find out the date you're coming back, let me knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
          Yeah it most certainly was. Surprisingly enough I didn't bleed after sex lol. Either he didn't go in far enough because he was trying so hard not to hurt me, I broke it a long time ago due to a freak accident I was in when I was little, or he never really broke it because I was relaxed enough and well lubricated lol (I just read that that can happen) Anyway yes it was my period because it came on time even though I tried everything to prevent it or induce it early. Mother nature is just that stubborn lol. And duh of course I willllllllll.


            Awww such an amazing visit and news.
            This summer makes me envious of other people

            Seriously though, it's always so sweet to hear a couple working out well during their first visit and both of you look cute together!
            And I kind of agree that it's better to just enjoy the relationship for a while rather than close the distance. Especially if you aren't ready.
            Best of luck with future :3


              Did he show you the cracked Liberty Bell, or was that replaced eons ago?

              First Visit: September 2016
              Second Visit: January 2017 (Her birthday)
              Third Visit: June 2018 (medical conference near her home)

              John 3:16
              For God so loved the world. That he gave his only begotten son. For whosoever believeth in him. Shall not perish but have eternal life
              John 4:12
              I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


                Congratulations! Glad you two finally got to meet! That's a bummer about the period, though. I had the same thing happen to me during my second visit with my SO.
                ~~~ ~~~

                First Met Online: March 13, 2014
                Relationship Began: November 23, 2014
                First Met In Person: June 10-24, 2015
                Second Visit: December 16- January 6, 2015/2016
                Closed The Distance: June 26, 2016
                Got Engaged: February 1, 2018


                  Aww thank you C.C.! And don't you worry your time will come too. I had to wait such a long time for us to finally meet, but I think the waiting made things better Good luck to you too


                    Originally posted by Chris516 View Post
                    Did he show you the cracked Liberty Bell, or was that replaced eons ago?
                    Why would they replace a major historical landmark that had to do with the birth of the USA?


                      Happy for you guys! That sounds like a very exciting visit!
                      I'm dating a cop, too. Aren't they just sexy in their uniforms?


                        Originally posted by whatruckus View Post
                        Why would they replace a major historical landmark that had to do with the birth of the USA?
                        I have heard of that being done before. That is why I asked.

                        Personally, I basically agree with you. Why replace a historical landmark, instead of maintaining it.

                        First Visit: September 2016
                        Second Visit: January 2017 (Her birthday)
                        Third Visit: June 2018 (medical conference near her home)

                        John 3:16
                        For God so loved the world. That he gave his only begotten son. For whosoever believeth in him. Shall not perish but have eternal life
                        John 4:12
                        I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


                          Great news! Glad you had such a good time.


                            Originally posted by Chris516 View Post
                            I have heard of that being done before. That is why I asked.

                            Personally, I basically agree with you. Why replace a historical landmark, instead of maintaining it.
                            Well, that's incredibly stupid. I mean, I could understand if maybe it was completely falling apart, and a hazard or something. But, even still.


                              Originally posted by whatruckus View Post
                              Why would they replace a major historical landmark that had to do with the birth of the USA?
                              Yep.. its on display with the crack, as that is part of history.. Why would it be fixed?

