Is there one particular thing you miss about your SO when you're apart? That one thing where you think "I don't know how I'll cope without that for the next few months"?
I know it's hard to narrow it down to just one single thing, but please try, and try to be as specific as possible too
The idea of this thread is to find out what you've grown to love about your SO during your time together before you have to part again. Something that you can't have when you can't see each other in the flesh, maybe their giggle, or a certain habit they have that only you know about. That's the sort of thing I'm after rather than their kisses and cuddles etc, as we all miss that
Something that's unique to your SO
I know it's hard to narrow it down to just one single thing, but please try, and try to be as specific as possible too

The idea of this thread is to find out what you've grown to love about your SO during your time together before you have to part again. Something that you can't have when you can't see each other in the flesh, maybe their giggle, or a certain habit they have that only you know about. That's the sort of thing I'm after rather than their kisses and cuddles etc, as we all miss that

Something that's unique to your SO
