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Do you mind if you SO is browseing webpages while talking to you on phone/Skype?

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    Do you mind if you SO is browseing webpages while talking to you on phone/Skype?

    When I was talking to my boyfriend today on Skype, I heard this "pong pong" sound and it turned out to be him clicking his mouse while talking to me on Skype (we were voice chatting). I know he'd always keep an eye on the TV or browse some webpages randomly when he talked to me (on phone/skype or in person), he had ADD so it's actually hard for him to concentrate. He actually would share some information he found online with me during our conversation. Ususally when it's something important, I'd first tell him so he'd put his things in hand down and listen.

    I wonder how you'd feel if your SO is doing so. Is it important for you to have your SO's 100% attention when you talk everyday? Is it crucial for a healthy relationship?
    Last edited by underthewater; September 14, 2010, 05:10 PM. Reason: Spelling mistakes

    Nah, no problem at all, we both do it all the time. In fact it's rare if neither of us isn't doing anything

    We're both usually on Facebook, or here, or I'll be on a some footy sites and she'll be updating her website. Of course if we're having a serious conversation then we both give each other our full attention but apart from that, it doesn't bother either of us and never has.

    Saying that, I used to play poker for real money online, and I used to play 4 tables at a time, well I wouldn't be playing that many if I wa stalking to Tanja, I'd usually wait until she'd gone but anyway, I didn't have a job in my last 2 years or so as a student so that's how I made my money. There were times when I felt really quite guilty because I needed to focus so much on my games that I couldn't give Tanja the attention I wanted to give her, or that she deserved, although the money I won has paid for every one of my 8 trips so far so I was kinda doing it for us in a way

    But there were nights where we barely talked at all and that was down to the poker in some part at least. Also I'd get very frustrated sometimes if I lost and I wouldn't have been very nice to chat with. It's not like I was ever abusive or anything haha! But I'd rant about bad, lucky players and bad cards because I had to let off steam and she was the only one who'd listen and there was nothing she could've said to cheer me up, I just needed to be in a bad mood for a bit, so that wouldn't have been very nice for her. So I'm sorry for all those times babe, I love you more than anything

    But at least they did pay for all my visits, so they did have an upside
    In a relationship with

    Read mine & Tanja's story here!

    My Albums:
    Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
    Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
    My dog Sam ♥


      I do it, and I don't mind when he does does bug him a little when I do it though.

      On the phone it really doesn't matter, but on Skype it does get a little annoying watching his eyes go back and forth across the page.

      If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


        Yeah we do it! We might say we are looking at something and then talk about it, and go "oh look at this *gives link*". Like we will browse this forum and facebook and talk about it together.
        Not always though. But sometimes. I don't mind it. Unless it means she isn't listening to what I'm saying, but that hasn't happened


          Until I read some posts here about people upset about this, it never occured to me that he wouldn't be browsing other webpages while talking to me as I do the exact same thing. We don't really Skype or webcam all that much but even when we did, unless we were focused on something like a 'date' night (which was rare anyway), I think we sort of preferred to be browsing as well simply because it got awkward for us to just be staring at each other, especially when the silences came. Same asover the phone, it was more fun when he as walking around or doing something because then he could tell me about what was going on and it felt a little moe interactive even though I'm not there.

          Maybe this is because when we talk online it's usually for hours at a time rtaher than just a speific time we set aside just for us, so it just makes sense that we'd be doing other things.


            i do that all the time, its not a problem as long as they answer you while your talking then its fine


              I don't mind when he does it because we both do it, lol. Of course, if we're having a serious conversation, then our attention is 100% on that.


                There's no problem if he's browsing the internet, because I do it too!


                  I'm notorious for it as I have a short attention span and either fidget or check websites periodically. He's done it before, I remember once he spent an hour sending me lingerie sites to gauge my reaction live and wouldn't quit laughing. I think so long as you can juggle what you're doing with them as the natural priority or doing it when they're out of the room/busy, then you're fine.


                    My SO and I spend so much time on webcam/Skype that we really just kinda act like we're In the same room and go about our own things just randomly talking. It doesn't bother either of us
                    Met: 2.20.10
                    Started Dating: 4.22.10
                    Been an LDR since: 4.22.10
                    First time meeting irl: 6.28.10 - 7.18.10
                    Last time I saw my SO: 9.16.10 - 9.22.10
                    Closed the Distance: 10.9.10


                      I actually hate it when my bf and i are on the phone and he's browsing through webpages. he is terrible at multi-tasking! Especially when he's looking at cars he wants to buy, he is so in-tune with his car shopping then he has no clue what i'm talking about. So we have both agreed that when we are on the phone, laptops are off and/or we are no where near anything that will distract us


                        If Obi and I didn't do other things while on skype nothing would have gotten done, especially by the end of it, because if we were both near a computer we were skypeing :P

                        But there were a lot of times when one of us was in bed, or just listening to the other too, so it evened out. I don't have a problem asking for full attention when I want it!

                        But if we had been unlucky as some couples and couldn't speak every other day, then it would probably have bothered me. I only really remember getting annoyed if we were chatting (text) on msn and his responses were really delayed.
                        Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                          We are great multitaskers, we have to be. One or both of us have work, kids, games, TV, DVDs, pets, internet all going on all the time.


                            It's doesn't bother me, I'm usually doing it, too! I can tell when he's really stuck on something and doing his best to act like he's paying attention to me, and I call him out on it everytime We've shared a lot of good information this way.
                            Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                              I do not mind it. At all. I do dislike cell phones though. Because whenever my SO gets a text... she kinda ignores me for a few good minutes.

