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"Deal makers"

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    "Deal makers"

    In a previous post I asked what made you sure that a partner was not the right person for you.

    I thought I'd open another thread to ask the opposite: what, in previous or current relationship, made you think "this person is right for me, I could see myself staying with him/her for life"?

    The fact that when I am with him, I feel that he enhances my life. I am not someone that needs a partner in my life, as I am a very independent and happy person normally, but since meeting him, I can't imagine not having him in my life. He is not without his faults, as I am not without mine, but we bring so much light to each other's lives. He treats me with such respect, and honesty, and to be honest - the first time that I hugged him I felt like it was just 'right.' I wasn't looking for a relationship, but he fell into my life and I am so grateful that he did. We have a lot of hobbies/interests in common too and we are both introverts - and I think that this is very important because we feel the same way in the social aspects of our lives. He doesn't mind if I need time to myself to recharge. He also isn't jealous or possessive, and coming from past relationships where partners were - it is a breath of fresh air. I feel like I can tell him anything and that he won't judge me. We just fit - it is difficult to put it into words, but it is just a feeling when I am with him/talking to him - we just make sense. It is an amazing feeling.


      I felt like a part of me that had been missing was reunited with the rest of me. I just "knew." "Felt it." Can't really explain. I'm pretty sure a lot of people know what I mean though.

