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Meeting each other again.

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    Meeting each other again.

    Hi my name is Romy.
    I am a 19 year old girl from The Netherlands. My boyfriend and I met at a summer camp for kids in New York.
    Him and I got along right from the start and the connection that we had was pretty strong right away.
    It was weird all of the sudden I was in America with an American guy that I have never seen before and somehow we felt like we had known each other for years. Did anyone else have this connection with their loved ones?

    After camp I was planning on traveling, so it was pretty clear for me that I would travel to the other side of the country to be with him for another 14 days. I was planning on leaving after 5. That's when I booked my flight at home before I had even met him. But I wanted to stay for a couple more days so I extended my stay and I do not regret that one bit. Even though I sometimes wish it had never happened... just because of the distance. But now I could not live without this guy. It is so nice to have a relationship with someone who is actually not the same page as you are. And even though the distance is so big, we trust each other completely. The day that I had to leave was one of the hardest things I had ever done and I still get emotional when I think about it.

    He is about to turn 21 and since we have not seen each other for quite a long time, I thought it would be a good idea for me to surprise him. Although I have no idea how to do that. I do not have the financial resources since I started University. I work every chance I get when I don't have classes. But all of the money I make goes to the school blegh It is about 500 euros to get a plane ticket. Does anybody know some ways to raise money for this or if anyone has an old sock that contains a lot of pennies then be my guest haha.

    Also I have no idea how I should surprise him. Since I know his friends very well I could maybe set something up. If anyone has ideas to surprise him that would be great! Since he and his friends are film students I would like one of his friends to film it so that I can show it to you guys.

    Thank you so much for reading this and helping me.
    I can't wait to see what you say! And of course I can't wait to be in his arms again..

    Last edited by Roompje100; September 9, 2016, 09:44 AM.

    Your relationship began in June 2016, so you haven't seen him in 3months?
    We are ALL saving or tying to save money for visits etc.. Try selling things you don't need, doing online work, dog walking jobs, babysitting.... think of something people would like/need in your area..

    Hmm surprises could be hard. Make sure you both really are on the same page as your relationship is still shiny and new. Would hate for you to spend money and fly out, just to be the one to be surprised....


      Yeah that is the date that he actually asked me to be his girlfriend. But we were already dating for a long time before that.
      And as it goes for being on the same page. We are very much on the same page

      Thank you for your advice!


        Pick up extra chores wherever you can. I'm not sure how it is there, but here we are able to get jobs at our university's. You can sell things you no longer want, start advertising yourself as a babysitter, etc. As for the surprise, maybe contact his friends and have them take him out one night and then you show up as well!

