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Since we are meeting F2F can I bring this up?

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    Since we are meeting F2F can I bring this up?

    I wrote about visiting the guy (for the 1st time after talking for awhile) in other posts and I am super excited. The thing that bugs me is he never really initiates the Skype chats, he is always up for them (unless w/friends) and we can spend hours talking, one time he called me back after he had to cut our convo short. Sometimes though, he forgets, like today. I texted him earlier about having a Skype chat later, he agreed (no specific time though), I texted him about it 2 hours or so after he got off. He was sorry he didn't Skype me earlier because he went out w/friends, which is totally fine, but I would have really liked for him to have told me. I know he is interested because I have experienced uninterested guys and these guys will just stop texting you or stop any contact. He tells me he is somewhat clingy (which I don't mind cause I am as well, w/my partner at least, not someone who isn't interested). We have discussed relationship stuff, but idk what we are yet (gonna take it slow). I just want him to know, that if he does want something long term I want him to step up to the plate once in awhile, he also stated that he wants open communication about problems and such. How do I bring this up?

    You talk openly with him and share your needs for communication. Do not attack/accuse. Ask him what he values and what he expects in communication as well. See if you can make a plan for Skype time that works for you both. Enjoy your visit!


      Originally posted by Elizabeth123 View Post
      You talk openly with him and share your needs for communication. Do not attack/accuse. Ask him what he values and what he expects in communication as well. See if you can make a plan for Skype time that works for you both. Enjoy your visit!


        Originally posted by Elizabeth123 View Post
        You talk openly with him and share your needs for communication. Do not attack/accuse. Ask him what he values and what he expects in communication as well. See if you can make a plan for Skype time that works for you both. Enjoy your visit!
        I will def talk to him about this, I have stopped stressing as much about his lack of texting because I picked up on the fact that he doesn't seem like much of a texter. Today though, so out out of character for him, I haven't heard from him the entire day. Weird as the night before we ended up skyping for quite awhile and he was super stoked about me coming to visit. The couple times when many hours went by, my phone wasn't receiving texts, the other time he forgot his phone so he contacted me through social media. This day of no texts is making me even more anxious about visiting him.


          The original problem is really an easy fix! Just tell him: Hey, if you plan of being gone for a while, could you let me know beforehand? I just want to know a timeframe so I don't wait at the computer while you're out
          Or even: Hey, if you know you're gonna be gone for a while, can you shoot me a quick message of when you'll be back? I can do some of the chores I've been pushing aside in the meantime

          A day of nothing, I mean, I would wait for now and see if he contacts you later on with what happened.

          Relationship began: 05/22/2012
          First Met: 03/21/2013 - 03/30/2013
          Second Visit: 06/06/2013 - 08/21/2013 ~ Proposal: 07/06/2013 ♥
          Third Visit: 10/09/2013 - 01/08/2013
          Closed the distance: 11/20/2014 ♥
          Married: 1/24/2015
          Became Resident: 9/14/2015


            It's okay to ask for those things you need and want. People are not mind readers.


              Originally posted by Elizabeth123 View Post
              You talk openly with him and share your needs for communication. Do not attack/accuse. Ask him what he values and what he expects in communication as well. See if you can make a plan for Skype time that works for you both. Enjoy your visit!
              The visit went great, I wish I had stayed longer, but if it didn't go so well, I didn't want to be stuck there. He was the one to bring up his own lack of texting and I definitely told him I would like more of it.


                Glad to see you communicated with each other! Happy you enjoyed time together!!

