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I don't want to be taken advantage of?

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    I don't want to be taken advantage of?

    This concerns me. After going down to meet the guy I'm dating, he wanted me to come again. I am thrilled to go down there and I don't mind spending the $. The thing is though he offered to pay 1/2, I found super cheap tickets and he told me too book them w/out an offer to pay for 1/2. He is going to come down as well, a little later, but has yet to book the tickets (said he was going to wait until he got paid). In the end we would spend the same amt of $ on tickets if we split both, just that I'm afraid I will be always footing the bill. I know he isn't well off and struggles, I accept that, but if I say I'm going to do something, I'll do it, even if it means saving up and stuff. The $ is not the issue for me, I am not materialistic, but if he offered to pay, I want him to actually fulfill his end. Is this a bad sign of an unequal relationship in the making? Just to repeat this isn't about the $, just the principle of things.

    I dated a guy who was cheap and very egotistical, I didn't mind spending on us and he was so tight w/his $ when it came to me. I know this guy would cover food and activities, but I would also be paying for my hotel. Am I expecting too much?
    Last edited by NewToLongDistance2016; October 4, 2016, 01:24 AM.

    Tell him this then. He's the only one who can say if you're asking too much.


      I am definitely gonna bring this up and also I'm going to make sure he books the tickets to visit me (he told me leaves everything to the last minute).

