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Just Curious...

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    Just Curious...

    How many of you experienced a break / break up with your SO? How long did it last? Who initiated it? How was it resolved? etc.

    I was just looking through the site and it seemed like a lot of people have went through one so just figured I'd ask!

    We've had a few breaks... sort of... they're usually just a short (often very short) period of time where we give each other some space, so neither of us will come online for that time. What usually happens though is that we agree on a number of days, or say we'll leave it until Monday or whatever and then on the 2nd day one of us can't resist texting to see how the other is then after a few texts we're both back online again!

    Saying that, there are times when we have lasted however long we agreed on but we still usually send each other a text maybe once a day to see how the other is. As for who initiates it, I'd say it's usually me who suggests it, though I'm sure she has too. It usually comes about when one of us has been under a lot of stress or pressure recently.

    I don't think this is really what you're after, but it's the best that I can draw on from my experiences I'm afraid
    In a relationship with

    Read mine & Tanja's story here!

    My Albums:
    Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
    Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
    My dog Sam ♥


      We've had a few breaks. We've only had 2 and they only lasted a week or less. I think sometimes it's good for couples to experience this because that's when you find out how bad you need the other person in their life.


        We did have a break after we'd been doing long distance for a few years because we were losing hope in ever meeting. We were both young and still in school and i didn't have the money or the trust off my parents at that age to fly to another country to meet someone i'd met over the internet and he hadn't told his parents about me then neither because he thought they wouldn't take it well. We both thought we wouldn't be able to meet till after we'd finished school and that was still 4 more years, after the 4 we'd already managed. So we mutually decided to try and find someone close, but still stay in touch. It hurt alot but we thought it was what was best for us at the time. I ended up with a guy who started to be really nasty to me and was snapping at everything i did and upsetting me all the time. My SO didn't have much luck neither during that time. Our break lasted a year, but we stayed as friends. He saw everything that other guy put me through and he regrets encouraging me to say yes to going out with the other guy so much now, but we can't change the past. I broke up with the guy and then me and my SO got straight back together again. We only had 2 more years till we could close the distance, and as we were older and this time both our parents knew about our relationship, we could meet for the first time. That meeting has been one of the best experiences of my life so far and it proved to me that my SO has been worth every second we've waited and i will continue to wait for him till we can finally close the distance. =)


          Not with the current boyfriend, but with the one before him. Granted he was a close distance boyfriend, but I think it'll still help.

          We were having a lot of stupid arguments, over petty things, and I suggested we go on a break...honestly, it became permanent because those few days of "breaking" were probably the most stress free days I'd had in the last few months of that relationship, and considering I was taking finals during the break, I think that's saying something.

          I walked away from that breakup feeling brighter and happier than I'd been in ages. Sometimes you need the time apart to evaluate what you really want in your life.

          I'm not saying that every break will end that way, but it did for me, but that was after using the time to evaluate my feelings about the relationship and realize how much better I felt without him.

          If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


            We never had a official break up but there has been a couple times that we just didn't really want to talk to each other and it felt like it was over. Those lasted for about a week or so. It sucks so much when that happens!


              I just did, he came home, he said that he couldn't deal with the long distance relationship and the emotions that were involved, we broke up on Friday, we were back together by Tuesday, he left last Thursday. I think we resolved it just because it wasn't a case of not caring for each other or not loving each other, it was purely the distance and the length of time it would be before we could be together again, and it just took some talking through and understanding that we just needed to fight through this bump in the road that we like to call a long distance relationship.



                My SO and I did have a short break up. It lasted for about 2 1/2 weeks (the longest two and a half weeks of my life). He actually initiated it which was something I never dreamed would happen. I think it was a result of a lot of built up problems that we had pushed under the rug instead of dealing with it. I guess we resolved it just by giving each other space. We were both home for Easter and he FB chatted me on Sunday evening and asked how Easter was and I asked how his was. He mentioned his family missed me and I said I missed them too. Then it was kinda a long pause and he admitted that he missed me too and by Monday afternoon we were back together and have been going strong since then.


                  Very interesting thread...I guess I have a different opinion myself.....but I will say that my SO and I have had no breaks in our relationship...almost a year together and going strong...
                  NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013

