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New to LDR

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    New to LDR

    I've been in an LDR for about 2mo with a wonderful man. We are fortunate in that we are only 90 mi apart. We talk/text everyday. We text good morning before going to work. We may text during the day or send messages like memes, poems etc. Then we have our good night text or call before going to sleep. I get anxious when something interferes with our routine of texts. For instance, my SO is not good on details. He tells me he has a training on Monday but doesn't tell me the time frame and he can not be reached by phone. Even as I'm typing this I'm thinking to myself that I have nothing to be anxious about. It my emotional baggage and I need to be more patient. He was always done what he said he would. But I get anxious that he's avoiding me. How do the rest of you deal with anxiety when it comes up?

    Hello! First of all welcome to the LDR community!
    Now onto your predicament, I wouldn't overthink it to much. When my boyfriend and I were still getting used to the whole LDR Thing he did the same exact things and I responded the same way. Naturally things should improve over time. However, if it becomes a issue don't be afraid to confront him about it, nicely of course haha. You will find that the most important aspect of keeping a LDR healthy is communication.
    I hope this helped!

    Last edited by ImJessica; October 10, 2016, 10:51 AM.


      Originally posted by Daria View Post
      I've been in an LDR for about 2mo with a wonderful man. We are fortunate in that we are only 90 mi apart. We talk/text everyday. We text good morning before going to work. We may text during the day or send messages like memes, poems etc. Then we have our good night text or call before going to sleep. I get anxious when something interferes with our routine of texts. For instance, my SO is not good on details. He tells me he has a training on Monday but doesn't tell me the time frame and he can not be reached by phone. Even as I'm typing this I'm thinking to myself that I have nothing to be anxious about. It my emotional baggage and I need to be more patient. He was always done what he said he would. But I get anxious that he's avoiding me. How do the rest of you deal with anxiety when it comes up?
      Talk to him and ask him. There is nothing wrong with asking what time will be ok to give him a call or a text... It's very important to communicate and not confront someone.

      You also need to realize that he has an obligation for the day, and sometimes work makes it impossible for texting or talking.
      Find something else to occupy your time and keep you busy. It's been 2 months, try to not become that neurotic clingy person.


        Originally posted by ImJessica View Post
        Hello! First of all welcome to the LDR community!
        Now onto your predicament, I wouldn't overthink it to much. When my boyfriend and I were still getting used to the whole LDR Thing he did the same exact things and I responded the same way. Naturally things should improve over time. However, if it becomes a issue don't be afraid to confront him about it, nicely of course haha. You will find that the most important aspect of keeping a LDR healthy is communication.
        I hope this helped!
        Please change your font color to so something more easily readable, as suggested in the rules you read when joining. That color is really hard to see, and if it's hard to see, people here will ignore it. Thanks!
        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein



          I'm learning that a big part of this is my SO's thought process and if I ask him, he provides the information. I guess this is part of the learning process. And maybe work wasn't be best example. I fully understand that emails/texting from work can be difficult and that your obligation is to work, not play on your phone. I am fortunate that we already (right from the start) can ask each other just about anything. Again, I'm going to chalk this up to the learning about each other.

