Hi Everyone
Im Mel in a LDR with such a amazing man i miss him so much too! i was in canada for 8 years we met there and i recentley moved back to the UK for a bit where i am from originally and now i dont like this distance instead of 2 hours flying it is 10 hours . I just feel like i want to be back in Canada again for both of our sakes but also i do need to save up here first also they say not to rush into things and if it happens more naturally it is good, but i have had a few opportunities for jobs over here and over there but just to be in the uk for about a year at least and save up also spend time with my family who i havent seen in a while. Its hard but it will be worth it in the end i hope Share your experiences with me i have so much to ask aswell
Im Mel in a LDR with such a amazing man i miss him so much too! i was in canada for 8 years we met there and i recentley moved back to the UK for a bit where i am from originally and now i dont like this distance instead of 2 hours flying it is 10 hours . I just feel like i want to be back in Canada again for both of our sakes but also i do need to save up here first also they say not to rush into things and if it happens more naturally it is good, but i have had a few opportunities for jobs over here and over there but just to be in the uk for about a year at least and save up also spend time with my family who i havent seen in a while. Its hard but it will be worth it in the end i hope Share your experiences with me i have so much to ask aswell