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Should i break up

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    I have said that in first post. And in second i explained why. :/


      Just from reading your first post you didn't sound happy and satisfied in this relationship anyway. You even said his version of caring is killing you. So, yes this hurts now but take a short while and remind yourself that you never have to settle for second best, a relationship should enrich your life not feel like it's killing you. You can find someone who treats you like you deserve to be treated.


        Originally posted by mucimse View Post
        I have said that in first post. And in second i explained why. :/
        I just reread them. Its hard to read with punctuation all over. Sorry. He said he wasn't in love with you and you said you were tired of it. It sounds like you were already getting over the way he was treating you...
        I'm sorry it hurts, but tbh, it seemed like you were ready for it to end..


          No i wasn.t ready i was just tired of being left in constant anticipation i am devastated...i can.t eat nor sleep now..i am beating myself for being so naive to trust someone again after so many years of not trusting man they just give false promises and can someone that cares trigger the only thing you asked specificaly in the beginning not to be triggered? "I care, i like you, but i chose not to prioritize you, you.ll be better of without me". What? How does that make sense? If you care you put effort. At least a little bit.
          P.S. I am sorry sasad that you mind me for putting dots instead of apostrophes but i have trouble switching on signs on my keyboard on mobile. No one complained so far. I tried to avoid them as much as i could.


            Mucimse, I don't know if this will make sense.

            It can start as, 'the writing is on the wall'. While that is painful enough. But it is even more painful. When 'the writing is on the wall', becomes reality. One would think that, all the pain happening prior to a breakup. Would actually make the breakup easier to cope with. But it isn't. Before the breakup, is like being in rough seas with choppy swells. But the breakup is like an unbearable tidal wave of sadness.

            First Visit: September 2016
            Second Visit: January 2017 (Her birthday)
            Third Visit: June 2018 (medical conference near her home)

            John 3:16
            For God so loved the world. That he gave his only begotten son. For whosoever believeth in him. Shall not perish but have eternal life
            John 4:12
            I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


              You weren't naive to trust. We always have to trust in people - family, friendships, relationships. Some people continue to grow that trust and others aren't able to live up to those expectations. It's not a him issue or a her issue - it's people in general. When we open our lives and hearts to people, we hope for the best but the reality is, in our lifetime, there are going to be times when we get hurt. No one is immune to this.

              We don't have control over how others act. What we do have control over in this situation (broken trust, relationships ending) is how we respond to it. We can take time to be upset and grieve the ending of the relationsip but then, we have to pull ourselves out of that. A relationship and a person are a part of our lives and when it ends, we have to realize that we still have so many other things in our lives to look forward to and be thankful for.
              To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

              ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.


                I was out of myself these three days so i haven.t responded. Thank you for your replies. No sign of him. I don.t quite understand how someone that said that cares a lot about me and my well being doesn.t even bother to ask how i.m doing. I'm losing faith in humanity. Plus i.ll never get involved with someone who doesn.t live very nearby -.- it was so difficult for me to open up and trust someone after being molested for years..and when i thought i can trust a guy again..i got betrayed. Just doesn.t seem fair. I never lie nor give false promises. So i will never understand ppl who do that. No matter in how big problems i got into i.m a "man of word".

