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Oh God! Trashcan! D:

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    Oh God! Trashcan! D:

    There's a point to the title. It all happened when Toy Story 3 first came out. I went to watch it opening weekend with Enrique, my brother, and a friend of ours. I had a churro and a ton of water at that movie. Well, at the end of it our friend was showing us some pictures on his phone. Then came up the picture of the woman who had her leg blown off D:<! I can take nasty, but that was too much even for me. I was gagging all the way out of the lobby into the street. Once outside the picture won. Enrique dragged me to a trashcan to vomit, he's been with me long enough to know the signs :P. First thing I said after vomiting: "Kinda watery, and tasted like churro."

    There is a point to this disgusting story. What's an embarrassing moment you've shared with your significant other?"

    You can post more than one story (please do it in multiple posts though, to not make insanely long posts XP), and they don't even have to be with the person you're currently in a relationship with. Just please, keep it funny. I don't wanna cause anyone to relive previous humiliating traumas. Let's also please keep the stories non-sexual. That's for the adult's sub-forum, and we got minors reading this :P.

    EDIT: Forgot to mention this XP. I'm talking about any experience. It can be over the phone, IM, text, webcam, in person, ect. We all know funny things can happen without being in good proximity :'D.

    One of the most embarrasing ones is during my first visit to see her in Sweden. It's in the middle of the winter, so tons of icy snow. I'm all dressed up, nervous, you know the deal. We are very close to her home and we have to walk down this tiny, steep hill... Off course I slip and fall flat on my butt... so embarassing... We laughed it off though


      What's an embarrassing moment you've shared with your significant other?"
      My embarrassing moment with my bf would have to be when we very first started talking and i didn't know him all that well at the time. So he was giving me advice about putting ice on my ankle since i thought i sprained it during my dance class. So i told him i would put ice on it later since i don't feel like getting up, so he made a comment and this was his words exactly "Kids these days, don't listen". At the first he was joking but i didn't know that, i thought he was just being an ass. So my response to that was "Assholes these days, don't know when to shut up". I signed off AIM very pissed, but eventually came back on to apologize. Thinking back to it, if i hadn't went back on AIM and apologized we wouldn't where we are today haha (its quite amazing when i think back to all that). So yeah ever since then he won't let me forget about that, and i always feel so embarrassed about how poorly i acted


        What's an embarrassing moment you've shared with your significant other?

        Our first tea party sums up my idiocy pretty well. When I become nervous I fidget and mess with things. The first was I took a yard stick and while joking with him I asked if he dared me to hit my ceiling fan with it. He tells me no, I do it anyway and ended up with dust/dirt in my eye and in my mouth. I screamed for a good three minutes. Then I was rocking in my chair and fell out of it and let out a stream of curses. The worst was when I ran out of tea, I decided to suck on the used tea bag. The bag broke in my mouth and he watched me scream and scrape the tea bits off my tongue and floss them out my teeth.

        There was another time I was on the phone with him and threw myself at my bed, bounced, and fell on the floor. I'm convinced he turns me a bit dumb sometimes.


          One time when my boyfriend was here I had food poisoning, which completely sucked but he took care of me


            What's an embarrassing moment you've shared with your significant other?
            I had a panic attack/hissy fit while riding the Atlanta subway. With like, 200 people around. I'm not proud of it. The train broke down and we had to be somewhere in less than an hour. I just wanted to get off and go back to the hotel.

            If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


              umm ha i have embarrassing moments all the time, there called "blond moments". No blond but I have them often.He still deals with them, and just teases about me and doesn't let me forget even the smallest moments.

              Our first time...ahem...there were some awkward,embarrassing moments lol but it was both our firsts and well all we could do was laugh and til this day we still reminisce.....the awkward but funny first time. lol


                My one's another pukey one XD We were in Amsterdam and we'd just had spicy hot chicken wings, then orange and coca cola on top of that, it was a very bad idea. When we were walking down the street afterwards i felt about to throw up, and then it all came up. I caught it in my hands, which was very gross, and ran to the nearest bin to finish throwing up. I'd managed to get it all down my leg aswell. He gave me his jacket to wipe all the sick off then told me to just throw it in the bin. He was really worried at first, asking me if i was ok over and over. Then we were laughing cause he thought it was funny and I was all embarassed.


                  Ok, time for another one :P. The day I found out the truth about eggs @_@. I was with Enrique, and I had made him french toast that morning. We went about our day, la la la. Anyway, once we got back to the hotel room he panicked when he saw I left the eggs out and ran to them. The conversation went like this...


                  Him: *checks the eggs* Oh good, they're still cold!

                  Taco: *seeing him put them in the fridge* What's wrong?

                  Him: You left the eggs out!

                  Taco: So?

                  Him: They're perishables, you're not suppose to leave them out!

                  Taco: Eggs are perishables!?


                  He said this explains a lot of my food poisoning ;_;.


                    Originally posted by Darth_Taco View Post


                    Him: *checks the eggs* Oh good, they're still cold!

                    Taco: *seeing him put them in the fridge* What's wrong?

                    Him: You left the eggs out!

                    Taco: So?

                    Him: They're perishables, you're not suppose to leave them out!

                    Taco: Eggs are perishables!?


                    He said this explains a lot of my food poisoning ;_;.
                    Actually, you were both correct! Eggs are perishable, but they actually last a lot longer than people may think. In many countries, eggs are not refrigerated for several days. Here in the US, companies wash the eggs, which apparently removes some of the protective barrier, so we are supposed to refrigerate our eggs. But it takes more than just a half-a-day for them to go bad. Some people will leave them out overnight because it's better for them to be room temperature when using them in certain recipes. Basically, they will go bad sooner when you leave them out, but they won't necessarily go bad right away. In fact, most eggs stay good for weeks after the "sell by date!" You can usually tell my the smell if they've gone bad- yuck! I also am always careful to cook them thoroughly if I'm worried they might be getting sort of old.

                    Wow! That was a long explanation! Just thought I'd clarify for you!


                      Originally posted by Rach321 View Post
                      Actually, you were both correct! Eggs are perishable, but they actually last a lot longer than people may think. In many countries, eggs are not refrigerated for several days. Here in the US, companies wash the eggs, which apparently removes some of the protective barrier, so we are supposed to refrigerate our eggs. But it takes more than just a half-a-day for them to go bad. Some people will leave them out overnight because it's better for them to be room temperature when using them in certain recipes. Basically, they will go bad sooner when you leave them out, but they won't necessarily go bad right away. In fact, most eggs stay good for weeks after the "sell by date!" You can usually tell my the smell if they've gone bad- yuck! I also am always careful to cook them thoroughly if I'm worried they might be getting sort of old.

                      Wow! That was a long explanation! Just thought I'd clarify for you!
                      Yay! I can't wait to throw that back in his face! >:'D

