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Closing the Distance Questions

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    Closing the Distance Questions

    My boyfriend and I have been dealing with the LDR pretty well so far. It was a little rocky at the beginning because I had a lot of anxiety and insecurities about him being far away and us not talking enough (we were a very new couple when he moved away). Thankfully we've been able to get into a groove of seeing eachother once a month or once every three weeks.

    I spent Thanksgiving on a week long trip with his family and he's spending Christmas with mine. I'm so thankful for the time we've had together because I know that we are very lucky in that aspect.

    Lately, I've had a few friends bring up the idea of closing the distance and it's got me thinking about that next step. He has a new job that he worked hard to get so it would be me who would move. I wouldn't move to the city unless it was moving in with him. I'm a teacher which makes getting my own place hard, and if I'd need a roommate, I'd want it to be him.

    Being a teacher means I have a small window of opportunity in which to move if I were to. Essentially- April and May would require that decision so that I could begin applying to schools for the following school year. That would be a year after our first date and about a year and a half after we first began talking.

    I know that he and I are still a newer relationship and that at just about 7 months I don't intend on bringing up the idea of me moving any time soon. But my question is how to begin introducing that idea into our relationship with enough time for us to think and talk about it without having to rush the decision.

    Would I move to him next summer? Absolutely. I know that's where my heart is and that scares me to think about uprooting my life like that. He mentioned something in a conversation back in October that was something like "Well if a year from now you were living in Savannah." It wasn't about me moving there necessarily but more about something we'd be doing if I was.

    I'm very serious about this man and I cannot wait for more visits between us so the relationship continues to grow. I just want to make sure I don't bring up the idea of closing the distance too soon but also not too late for my career.

    There's no set time when a couple discusses that. Some are ready after a month, some not for a couple of years. If you really believe that this is what you want, then open the discussion with your SO. It doesn't mean you have to figure it out right away but it does let him know your thoughts and allows him to share his.
    To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

    ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.


      Originally posted by R&R View Post
      There's no set time when a couple discusses that. Some are ready after a month, some not for a couple of years. If you really believe that this is what you want, then open the discussion with your SO. It doesn't mean you have to figure it out right away but it does let him know your thoughts and allows him to share his.

      OP, Living in Orlando, is sort of like living Atlanta. I say that because, I am originally from Athens, and had a great-aunt 'great-uncle who lived in Orlando that I would visit. Savannah is more laid back. Are you ready for the change of pace? My paternal aunt n' uncle live in Athens near the main campus of the Univ. of Ga. They have trees' in the back yard with the stuff that hangs from it. I keep thinking seaweed, but I know that is not it. Orlando is a city. If you not attached to the laid back atmosphere of southern Georgia, then Orlando shouldn't be a problem for you.

      First Visit: September 2016
      Second Visit: January 2017 (Her birthday)
      Third Visit: June 2018 (medical conference near her home)

      John 3:16
      For God so loved the world. That he gave his only begotten son. For whosoever believeth in him. Shall not perish but have eternal life
      John 4:12
      I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


        Originally posted by R&R View Post
        There's no set time when a couple discusses that. Some are ready after a month, some not for a couple of years. If you really believe that this is what you want, then open the discussion with your SO. It doesn't mean you have to figure it out right away but it does let him know your thoughts and allows him to share his.
        It's hard. I feel like I would move in a heartbeat because of how much he means to me and how happy our relationship makes me.

        But I also know that it's easy to get caught up with the idea of moving and closing the distance to allow the relationship to be more "normal".

        I don't want to rush anything and push him away or destroy the relationship.


          Originally posted by Fldancer90 View Post
          It's hard. I feel like I would move in a heartbeat because of how much he means to me and how happy our relationship makes me.

          But I also know that it's easy to get caught up with the idea of moving and closing the distance to allow the relationship to be more "normal".

          I don't want to rush anything and push him away or destroy the relationship.
          You won't know unless you ask. Your SO is the one person you should be able to discuss anything with, including the possibilites for your future. It's not like you're asking to move tomorrow. You are trying to start a dialogue, to know his thoughts on the subject. Relationships mean having hard conversations or having ones that make us a little uncomfortable but you can't only have easy conversations as your relationship doesn't grow. You've been together 7 months; if asking what he thinks about a timeline destroys the relationship, well it's probably not one you would want to be in anyway.
          To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

          ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.


            Originally posted by Chris516 View Post

            OP, Living in Orlando, is sort of like living Atlanta. I say that because, I am originally from Athens, and had a great-aunt 'great-uncle who lived in Orlando that I would visit. Savannah is more laid back. Are you ready for the change of pace? My paternal aunt n' uncle live in Athens near the main campus of the Univ. of Ga. They have trees' in the back yard with the stuff that hangs from it. I keep thinking seaweed, but I know that is not it. Orlando is a city. If you not attached to the laid back atmosphere of southern Georgia, then Orlando shouldn't be a problem for you.
            Thank you for your input. I appreciate it.


              Originally posted by R&R View Post
              You won't know unless you ask. Your SO is the one person you should be able to discuss anything with, including the possibilites for your future. It's not like you're asking to move tomorrow. You are trying to start a dialogue, to know his thoughts on the subject. Relationships mean having hard conversations or having ones that make us a little uncomfortable but you can't only have easy conversations as your relationship doesn't grow. You've been together 7 months; if asking what he thinks about a timeline destroys the relationship, well it's probably not one you would want to be in anyway.
              Your advice is always so appreciated. I do agree with what you said that if I can't start the conversation about the future without scaring him or pushing him away then there's bigger issues here.

              I have a lot of relationship anxiety. Less with him than previous relationships but I do worry about having the tougher conversations. Any time we have had conversations like this, they go so well and I'm in awe with how easy our communication is. I just always worry ahead of time because previous relationships don't handle them so well.


                People start having the dialogue on different times. I guess for us right away, in a sense since marriage was brought up, but seriously/in a practical way after 1 year. It was him mentioning moving to me and that it would make sense financially and so on. I told him I was very flattered that he considered living where I live, but that I wanted him to visit there, more than once, and also dating me more and getting to know me more, before taking such a big decision. That's when we started to have this discussion, but we prefer to keep it light, as an international move is rather complicated. We already once tried to temporarily close the distance by him moving here to work, but it did not work out as the business closed down before we could do it.

                For you I guess it is more like a change of scene and you are relatively close. Do you visit a lot? Do you have friends where he lives? Is there anything special you like to do when you are there? Do you plan to keep in contact with family and old friend, and how? Will he join you? Will you set aside money to do it? Can you find a job where he lives, and is it possible to apply from where you live?

                I think it is fair to be able to plan the next six month if you have dated six. As him, what kind of things does he see himself doing in that time? Would it be ok for you to apply for jobs in his area so you would have that option? etc.
                I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
                - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

                "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


                  Originally posted by Fldancer90 View Post
                  Your advice is always so appreciated. I do agree with what you said that if I can't start the conversation about the future without scaring him or pushing him away then there's bigger issues here.

                  I have a lot of relationship anxiety. Less with him than previous relationships but I do worry about having the tougher conversations. Any time we have had conversations like this, they go so well and I'm in awe with how easy our communication is. I just always worry ahead of time because previous relationships don't handle them so well.
                  We all bring different pieces of our past relationships with us. They key is to bring the things that worked and learn from what didn't. We also have to let go of those ex's and not "punish" our SO for how the ex's acted. Our SO is a completely different person from those ex's. As time goes by, it will be easier in this new relationship to trust and allow yourself to communicate freely.
                  To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

                  ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.


                    From your comment, it sounds like he has thought about it. Perhaps he is just as concerned about pushing you into the conversation as you are. And again, 250 miles isn't too far away, 1/2 day drive to go home for a long weekend to visit family and friends. I would, however, save that conversation for an in-person visit. Especially if he eludes to it again, that's a perfect opening for discussion. You still have a few months before you would need to start applying for a job and by then it will be a year. like R&R said, communication will get easier as the trust grows and deepens.

                    "Strength in Us!"

                    "exclusive" since May 13, 2016
                    ** Shortened the distance!! December 2016 **
                    closing the distance in ~ Oct. 2018


                      Originally posted by Sparkling72 View Post
                      From your comment, it sounds like he has thought about it. Perhaps he is just as concerned about pushing you into the conversation as you are. And again, 250 miles isn't too far away, 1/2 day drive to go home for a long weekend to visit family and friends. I would, however, save that conversation for an in-person visit. Especially if he eludes to it again, that's a perfect opening for discussion. You still have a few months before you would need to start applying for a job and by then it will be a year. like R&R said, communication will get easier as the trust grows and deepens.
                      Thanks for your advice. I tried not to let his comment get my hopes up and just take it month by month but it's nice to hear that someone else takes his comment in a similar way.

                      He's spending Christmas with my family for a few days and I'm hoping that it will go just as well as my trip with his family for Thanksgiving. I also feel like with me making more trips to his new home, he'll start to get attached to me there and it will make him long for me to move there.

                      I know that these things take time and I don't want to rush anything whatsoever. I'm working hard on letting things play out as they do but the idea of closing the distance is so appealing!


                        Originally posted by R&R View Post
                        We all bring different pieces of our past relationships with us. They key is to bring the things that worked and learn from what didn't. We also have to let go of those ex's and not "punish" our SO for how the ex's acted. Our SO is a completely different person from those ex's. As time goes by, it will be easier in this new relationship to trust and allow yourself to communicate freely.
                        That's my biggest struggle, stopping the habit of expecting him to do what the previous guys I've dated have done and leave me when the tougher conversations come up. I have so much anxiety and I'm trying so hard not to let that impact my relationship with this guy as he's amazing.


                          Continue with the visits. I am not sure if your spring breaks align or what, but try the staying together for bit route.. I think that moving ONLY if you can move in with him puts a bit more stress on a relationship, especially after 7 months. You are still in the honeymoon stage I feel.
                          I get it as I work for a HUGH school district and understand the timing etc. Maybe find a sublet or something that you can rent?

