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Becoming a LDR Couple after living together for 6 months

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    Becoming a LDR Couple after living together for 6 months

    Hi everyone,

    I need to vent. I am in the most horrible situation everrrrr. I am from the UK and from June 2015 until December 2016 I had been living in Turkey, In the Summer I decided this winter I had to come back to the UK.. I needed to work etc. HOWEVER in August I met my now boyfriend. We lived in each-others pockets since the day we have met, constantly living together sharing everything together for 5 months, even been on holiday together for 3 weeks to Thailand. I am now sitting in my old bedroom back in the UK in pieces. I want to go back to Turkey and live together in the home we shared for 5 months... I feel so empty and probably sound ridiculous but I have been in a serious relationship before but have never felt the way I do now.... I landed in the UK and connected to the airports Wifi to look for flights back, Im a mess. I would get back on a plane tonight if I could. Now I have no money, and need to work but can't even see myself bringing myself together to work.

    Originally posted by englandturkey View Post
    Hi everyone,

    I need to vent. I am in the most horrible situation everrrrr. I am from the UK and from June 2015 until December 2016 I had been living in Turkey, In the Summer I decided this winter I had to come back to the UK.. I needed to work etc. HOWEVER in August I met my now boyfriend. We lived in each-others pockets since the day we have met, constantly living together sharing everything together for 5 months, even been on holiday together for 3 weeks to Thailand. I am now sitting in my old bedroom back in the UK in pieces. I want to go back to Turkey and live together in the home we shared for 5 months... I feel so empty and probably sound ridiculous but I have been in a serious relationship before but have never felt the way I do now.... I landed in the UK and connected to the airports Wifi to look for flights back, Im a mess. I would get back on a plane tonight if I could. Now I have no money, and need to work but can't even see myself bringing myself together to work.
    Welp, You are alive and kicking, so it cant be that bad.... Surely people have been worse off..

    Most of us have gone through this, some for longer periods, some shorter etc. Point is, we all hurt when we get separated. Its knowing how to deal with it that can make it last and go on.
    Scream, cry, be sad for a day or wo, then get up, ge a job and plan your future. Not just the visits, etc,. plan stuff for YOU. You are both separate people and need to have your own lives as well. Find a job, hobby, school, and work toward a goal!


      Originally posted by englandturkey View Post
      Hi everyone,

      I need to vent. I am in the most horrible situation everrrrr. I am from the UK and from June 2015 until December 2016 I had been living in Turkey, In the Summer I decided this winter I had to come back to the UK.. I needed to work etc. HOWEVER in August I met my now boyfriend. We lived in each-others pockets since the day we have met, constantly living together sharing everything together for 5 months, even been on holiday together for 3 weeks to Thailand. I am now sitting in my old bedroom back in the UK in pieces. I want to go back to Turkey and live together in the home we shared for 5 months... I feel so empty and probably sound ridiculous but I have been in a serious relationship before but have never felt the way I do now.... I landed in the UK and connected to the airports Wifi to look for flights back, Im a mess. I would get back on a plane tonight if I could. Now I have no money, and need to work but can't even see myself bringing myself together to work.
      Not an uncommon feeling. You definitely don't sound ridiculous. It is great to hear how you n' your s/o feel about each other.

      First Visit: September 2016
      Second Visit: January 2017 (Her birthday)
      Third Visit: June 2018 (medical conference near her home)

      John 3:16
      For God so loved the world. That he gave his only begotten son. For whosoever believeth in him. Shall not perish but have eternal life
      John 4:12
      I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


        Yeah, that's awful, but try throwing yourself into finding work and reconnecting with friends. It won't cure you, but it will help. Pick up on any hobbies and just try to keep busy, if you can. Separation sucks, but you'll get through it.
        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


          Hi! I am also in a ldr with someone in turkey. I too am from the uk. It will soon be 7 years since weve been doing this and i can assure you it doesnt get any easier. Im turkish myself and luckily i have family out there so i can come and go as i want but becuase of work and school i can only really go twice a year at teh most. Its so hard you really need to think about what you want and you really need to know that if you decide to do the long distance thing its going to be very very difficult and painfull.


            Hı, İ have been doing Norway -Turkey for more than 3 years now. My SO and I have shared a flat because I used to work part time and travel there a lot. Now I am back in my country, working full time and using money on my flat here...

            It hurts to be away from Turkey. It hurts to be away from him. But unless we work and marry, we have no permanent visa and no money. So right now, it must be like this..

            International relationships are tricky. But I take comfort knowing we are building a stronger foundation for our relationship. We hope he will live here, so I build a life here that will be good for me and him. He does the same where he is. We keep options open. I have a job I can sometimes bring, so I can visit, and in six months I have vacation rights.
            I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
            - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

            "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits

