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    So me and this girl have been involved in a LDR for about 8 months now and things are moving along pretty well. But in the last week or so things seem to have taken an odd turn. Randomly she will ignore my texts and then call me later with no explanation about why she ignored the texts. Or she will miss times when we were supposed to call. We plan things out pretty well and both know each others work times so its just striking me as kinda odd for her to act this way all the sudden. I know several times previous I have fallen into the dangers of jealousy in an LDR and I am wanting to avoid going down that path again thats why I came here. Is it normal for ones partner to just kinda ignore them and completely change up there schedule with no sort of explanation when asked?

    There could have been a change at work or something that just makes her life a bit busier than usual and she doesn't want to tell you in case she worries you. Sometimes my SO and I will ignore messages from each other but that doesn't mean we're deliberately ignoring each other to be nasty or anything. Sometimes life is really busy and you can't reply to a message the moment you see it. If this really bothers you you should talk to her about it and see what she has to say. Good luck :3
    my girls <3

    Josie (SO)
    Met online ~ 17th August 2017 ~
    Met in person ~ 30th August 2017 ~
    Became official ~ 15th September 2017 ~
    Closed the distance and moved in together! ~ 18th June 2018 ~

    Met online ~ 21st November 2018 ~
    Met in person ~ 26th November 2018 ~
    Became official ~ 4th December 2018 ~
    All moved in together! ~ 30th May 2019 ~


      Maybe she didn't get the texts either.. that happens a lot in the town I live in. Like Ms kittyxuchiha11 said, ask her and communicate what is up if it bothers you...Life is too short


        Originally posted by Whoeverisneeded View Post
        So me and this girl have been involved in a LDR for about 8 months now and things are moving along pretty well. But in the last week or so things seem to have taken an odd turn. Randomly she will ignore my texts and then call me later with no explanation about why she ignored the texts. Or she will miss times when we were supposed to call. We plan things out pretty well and both know each others work times so its just striking me as kinda odd for her to act this way all the sudden. I know several times previous I have fallen into the dangers of jealousy in an LDR and I am wanting to avoid going down that path again thats why I came here. Is it normal for ones partner to just kinda ignore them and completely change up there schedule with no sort of explanation when asked?
        I won't say it is normal, or abnormal. For an LDR in general, to have the communication issues' you are having. Because each person is different.

        But I will say that you do deserve honesty from her.

        First Visit: September 2016
        Second Visit: January 2017 (Her birthday)
        Third Visit: June 2018 (medical conference near her home)

        John 3:16
        For God so loved the world. That he gave his only begotten son. For whosoever believeth in him. Shall not perish but have eternal life
        John 4:12
        I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


          See I ask and she tells me things like I'm overthinking it or not to worry. She never actually gives me an answer and I'm not gonna lie I worry about pushing to much because I did have a bout of jealously over something recently. Its just so weird yesterday we talked extra and things were great, but today she missed both planned calls and hasn't responded to any texts. I don't wanna appear clingy but it just bothers me that she misses planned times so much recently and doesn't give me any kinda answer.


            if that is the case, she's not calling or responding, then perhaps give her some space? You can ask her to be upfront with you about how she is feeling instead of stringing you along if that's how you feel she is behaving. If she hasn't contacted you after waiting a day or 2, then perhaps you should think about yourself and the fact that you deserve to be treated with respect.

            "Strength in Us!"

            "exclusive" since May 13, 2016
            ** Shortened the distance!! December 2016 **
            closing the distance in ~ Oct. 2018

