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An hour to 14 hours

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    An hour to 14 hours

    So I guess at some point I am already use to our LDR but now it's different. When we first met he lived a hour away and I could only see him on weekends when he wasn't doing staff duty. Now since he is out of the military he has moved back home to Illinois so he can get an education. The transitioning period is what is getting to. Going from seeing him almost every weekend or every two weeks to now waiting months in between visits and the waits are gonna get longer once he starts school in the fall. I'm not looking to end the relationship because technically I encouraged him to go for what he wants and that I would support his decision.
    I guess the reason I am here is for advice from people who are making their relationships work. I am tired of people near me telling me to just leave him because he moved away.

    Its up to you how you go with this. Its up to yup to decide if its too much or not.
    He is out of the military and not moving around the world anymore. Can you plan visits? Can you plan date nights and stuff to do?

    If you cant do it, that's ok too... not everyone is cut out for LDRs


      You're in the right place! It is tough, especially when you haven't really figured out the logistics of everything. If you want to stay with it, though, you can definitely do some of what sasad said-- plan visits (you go over for a long weekend, he comes over for spring break or something... uni tends to be very liberal with time off), spend time together chatting online, plan date nights where you both watch a movie together... stuff like that. There are lots of ideas for those kinds of things on this site. We even have a list of 100+ things to do together from a distance!

      It can be really challenging to go months between visits (I went years!), but I think a lot of people here will tell you that it helps a lot to have future visits planned. That way you both have something to look forward to and can focus on enjoying the relationship rather than worrying about when you'll see each other next.
      Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
      Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
      Engaged: 09/26/2020


        Originally posted by tyeshamari View Post
        So I guess at some point I am already use to our LDR but now it's different. When we first met he lived a hour away and I could only see him on weekends when he wasn't doing staff duty. Now since he is out of the military he has moved back home to Illinois so he can get an education. The transitioning period is what is getting to. Going from seeing him almost every weekend or every two weeks to now waiting months in between visits and the waits are gonna get longer once he starts school in the fall. I'm not looking to end the relationship because technically I encouraged him to go for what he wants and that I would support his decision.
        I guess the reason I am here is for advice from people who are making their relationships work. I am tired of people near me telling me to just leave him because he moved away.
        Long distance relationships can be very hard and not everyone can be in one and that's okay,just try your best,talk as much as you can,text,talk on the phone,send him some letters just do whatever you can to communicate with each other.


          Originally posted by tyeshamari View Post
          So I guess at some point I am already use to our LDR but now it's different. When we first met he lived a hour away and I could only see him on weekends when he wasn't doing staff duty. Now since he is out of the military he has moved back home to Illinois so he can get an education. The transitioning period is what is getting to. Going from seeing him almost every weekend or every two weeks to now waiting months in between visits and the waits are gonna get longer once he starts school in the fall. I'm not looking to end the relationship because technically I encouraged him to go for what he wants and that I would support his decision.
          I guess the reason I am here is for advice from people who are making their relationships work. I am tired of people near me telling me to just leave him because he moved away.
          Your feelings are understandable. You, sort of, went from CD, to LDR. Instead of the other way around.

          Those local to you, who are telling you to leave him. Must not be in happy, committed relationships'. Nor do they understand what it means to be with someone 'through and through'.

          First Visit: September 2016
          Second Visit: January 2017 (Her birthday)
          Third Visit: June 2018 (medical conference near her home)

          John 3:16
          For God so loved the world. That he gave his only begotten son. For whosoever believeth in him. Shall not perish but have eternal life
          John 4:12
          I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

