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Lack of Communication

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    Lack of Communication

    We've been working through issues for a while now, but have always said we don't want to give up and are committed to each other.

    Two weeks ago we got into a fight and we've only spoken once since then, briefly. He told me his son is very sick and he's been busy dealing with that, not ignoring me. He said he'd call that night, but never did. I know I'm overthinking and my intrusive negative thoughts are messing with my head, but I can't help but feel like he might be blowing me off. All I can do is wait to see if I hear from him, and if not.. well. Not much I can do. I've emailed him but haven't heard back. I'm trying to remain positive but at the same time don't want to get my hopes up. We've been through a lot and have always said we'd get through anything. But I have doubts and am so afraid that I'm losing him.

    For what it's worth, I've made an appointment with my doctor to discuss being referred to a therapist. My negative thinking and other mental health issues have been damaging to myself and to my relationships. Right now I'm trying to keep busy but I still find myself obsessing.

    Not sure what I'm looking for, just needed to vent.

    You're seeking help, and there's no shame in doing it. I get you're probably at odds right now and you both probably want to fix things, but if his son isn't very well, then that's probably where he's got his focus. All I can say is give it time. Let him know you'll be there for him, but give him space, take advantage of the help you're going to get, and stay strong

