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Boyfriend going to university

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    Boyfriend going to university

    Hi! I'm new to this forum so I'll give you a bit of background information first.

    Me and my boyfriend met online in February 2015, and by March/April I was already deeply in love with him.
    Back then, the distance wasn't really a problem. We talked all day every day, and were both very much in love.
    In April 2016, we finally met. He'd bought us tickets to see our favourite band, Muse, so our first time meeting (first "date") was seeing this band together. We were both soo nervous.
    We met in Manchester, England. Pretty much a half-way point where we see each other. That day was the best day of my life. It was PERFECT and I didn't want to go home and leave him. In fact it was so perfect that we meet in Manchester every week now. It takes him two hours to get there, and takes me two hours to get there, too. But it works.
    I feel like the distance is becoming increasingly difficult though.
    In July 2016 he spent two weeks at my house and it was amazing, and I occasionally go to his house too, for a few days at a time. We make it work best we can.
    This year, he'll be going to university, and the uni is far away.
    He's applied for a 5 year long course, and it feels like I haven't been thought about.
    He cares a lot for his education (understandably!) but him moving even further away for another 5/6 years would kill me.
    I've told him that after he's done a first year at uni, we could both get a flat together near the uni so we're living together.
    He was always so distant about the idea and dismissed it whenever it was talked about.
    He's an introverted guy, and doesn't have too much of a social life.
    He said he was unsure on me moving in with him because he wouldn't want to be isolated from his uni friends and have no social life.
    Mentally, I can't cope with a LDR for another 5/6 years. I want to start somewhat settling down and living with him. We could make it work, but I really feel like I don't come into his plans at all.
    Last night we talked about it properly. I said there has to be a compromise.
    After we'd talked he said he felt enlightened, and he said he loves the idea of us living together near his uni, and we'd have to look into it nearer the time.
    I can't bear the thought of living so far away from him for so long, especially when living with him would be so doable.
    I just can't stop over-thinking.
    What if things don't work out, and he doesn't want me to move with him? I don't want to be left in the dark while he's out having a good time and I'm stuck wondering what to do.

    Thank you for reading!

    welp, to b totally and bluntly honest... I think you need to slow down. Its like you are planning his life around what YOU want. You TOLD him "I've told him that after he's done a first year at uni, we could both get a flat together near the uni so we're living together. " He was standoffish and all the sudden its a complete turn around?
    You are both 18 ish and young adults. He is going to get his education, which is wonderful. He expressed his concern about missing out on his friends etc. at uni, and that is normal.
    What are your plans? Work ? School? Are you expecting him to be back with you right after classes and not hang out with his friends that he WILL meet?

    Love and relationships are built on trust, communications and compromise.. Where are you with those in your relationship? Also you should never ever make anyone your whole life. You need to have your own identity, goals and life without the other one. You are two people that are separate. Need to stay that way to grow healthy.


      Thank you!
      He said himself that after being at uni for the first year he will already have his friend groups.
      We both find the distance extremely hard, and obviously the thought of him being even further away for that amount of time, it makes things a little harder.
      Just earlier he brought the situation up himself and said he's super excited for us to live together so that give me a bit of peace of mind.
      Thank you for your reply


        My main concerns would be the following:
        1) I know that the relationship is very valuable to both of you, but his education should come first. Do not make him compromise on his education for you.
        2) What do you want to do with yourself? I mean, outside of the relationship. What are your goals? What did you have in mind for the next few years? Are you also going to uni? Are you going to be working? Do you have things that tie you down to where you are now?

        Transitioning to uni can be a very challenging time in one's life, bringing a lot of changes, new stresses, new people, and new activities. It's really important to let him have the space he needs to adjust to that.

        I'd like to hear more about you before I tell you to move in with him.

        P.S. Muse <3 <3 <3
        Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
        Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
        Engaged: 09/26/2020


          It'd be 2 years yet before we would consider moving in together. That's plenty of time to get my education all sorted and save up as much money as possible.
          I understand that his main priority is going to university, and I'm super excited for him to go because I know how much he's going to love it. It's just a bit of a daunting thought, especially because we're lucky enough to see each other weekly at the minute.
          The relationship is beyond perfect. We get on with each other so well, and we love being together.
          I understand that moving in together would be a big step.
          And you like Muse too???


            The thought of him moving further away is bound to be tough and it may take some getting used to, however, if it's meant to work out for the two years it will. Just make sure you also make your own life and education a priority too.

