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Happy already in tears.

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    Happy already in tears.

    Valentine's Day started off with me in tears because I miss him so much & just wish we could be together this year...instead of apart for the second year in a row.😭😭 We talked on webcam while I opened my package. It was a pink bear & a card inside. Read the card & cried like a baby. The cool thing is the pink bear in a way matches the bear from last they can be a closed distance couple. The pink bear & Valentino (a white bear).
    I so cant wait until the day we can spend this holiday & all other together cause we would have closed the distance. This day is definitely going to be an emotional one.
    How is everyone else holding up this Valentines Day?

    I've not had a Valentine's Day at all with my SO. My card from him didn't arrive but oh well. It's just a day, I try not to dwell on it.


      I wasn't expecting anything, I'm not a big fan of Valentine's Day. But I had a rose delivered. It was a surprise, though nice.


        I have to admit... it's just another day for me. But my SO does have the day off work, so I can't complain. He sent me a card but it won't arrive for a few days. Mine should arrive today or tomorrow. But Valentine's Day has never really been much of a "special day" for me... so I don't get too fussed over it.


          The same as people posted. I have an exam today. M might do something that brings money (yay) tomorrow. And I honestly don't care. Missing other holidays or Birthdays feels worse (especially the later) but I'll be delighted to meet him at all irl and it doesn't matter as much to me that we don't get to celebrate some holidays irl.


            Yup. We are also apart this year. It's a hallmark day and i dont like the ide of having a commercial day for love, i love the days he sends flowers because i was sick, or just to make me smile. Or that he ,ade and packaged a weeks worth of spaghetti for me for lunches etc.


              Like everybody said, there is no big deal. My partner works today. I go to school. We will Skype tonight just like we do once a week.
              I sent him a video yesterday with nice pictures, and messages and music. It was kind of a little virtual gift for him but I know I'll receive nothing except a "I love you" and it doesn't bother me. It's just a commercial day and we can say to our partner how much we love him/her all the time. It doesn't change anything.
              Hope you can survive through this day.
              - I'll be waiting for you -

              Started talking: December 2015
              First meeting: December 2016
              Second meeting: May 2017 - August 2017
              Third meeting: Septembre 2017 - January 2018
              Engaged: December 2017
              Fourth meeting: May 2018 - August 2018
              Fifth visit: December 2019
              Wedding: September 2019


                Celebrating Valentines apart like many other couples, and did nothing special today. He did receive my present but he doesn't have time to open it until after his work. I hope I'll be awake when he does open it to see his reaction!

                Looking for the future...

                First Meeting: March 20 2016
                Got separated: August 2016
                Reunion: July 2017
                Officially together: January 2018
                ... And many meetings later ...


                  My SO (husband) and I are apart today. It's the anniversary of when we first met and this is our second year not spending it together. It would have been nice, but it didn't happen. His cards already arrived and he sent me a sweet text this morning. We'll talk tonight and that will be it. Right now, I'm more focused on plans to see him over the summer.
                  To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

                  ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.


                    We had our valentines day on Sunday because it was the only time we both had free and although she didn't send me any presents i was happy to sit and watch her open her birthday/valentines gifts. She's gonna just buy me presents when i go over there instead of spending all the money to send them so i'm now super excited for my visit! she did send me a valentines card though and it's the cutest card ever! <3
                    my girls <3

                    Josie (SO)
                    Met online ~ 17th August 2017 ~
                    Met in person ~ 30th August 2017 ~
                    Became official ~ 15th September 2017 ~
                    Closed the distance and moved in together! ~ 18th June 2018 ~

                    Met online ~ 21st November 2018 ~
                    Met in person ~ 26th November 2018 ~
                    Became official ~ 4th December 2018 ~
                    All moved in together! ~ 30th May 2019 ~


                      Lol I actually had to have a Tuberculosis test done this morning for clearance reasons (gonna be working around elementary school kids), which is easily the single-most romantic thing I can think of. Other than that, we're spending Valentine's Day apart and I'm not particularly fussed over it. We actually won't see each other for another four months. If my s/o wants to skype tonight or something, then we'll most likely just do that.

                      No shame in being upset about not being able to spend Valentine's Day with your s/o, though. When that loneliness hits, and it is bound to every now and then, it really sucks. Just cuddle up with your teddies and watch something fun on TV/Netflix/Hulu/etc. You'll get through this


                        She will be working this evening and tomorrow evening. I have my gym back packed and am ready to run this evening after work. In some ways, it's just another day. On the other hand, it is a reminder that long distance also means geographically unavailable. For some reason, we get in the business of picking people who are unavailable to us... be it emotionally, or physically, or geographically. When I think about her schedule, I think about how she really wouldn't be available for Valentine's day plans even if she were in the same city. And that equals unavailable. I wonder what causes humans to choose other humans who are unavailable to them.

                        I've had exes who dropped everything and planned big things for Valentine's day, and on some level that was not enough. Or was too much because I really wasn't that genuinely interested in those particular people. And now that I have someone that I would love to have plans with, she simply isn't geographically or physically available. Even if we were in the same city, if she had the same schedule, she would not be available.

                        Western Civilizations describe romantic love as crazy and mad, and talk about falling in love as if people just trip and fall into love without consenting. Watch Ted Talks about this concept. One sure way to have a crazy and mad relationship is to choose someone who is unavailable. Thanks Cupid.

                        Putting all of that aside, we'll be going to dinner and a concert on Friday night. So that will be our official Valentine's date.


                          Well... I did my preparations already last year, in December. I bought my lady some little presents and a beautiful 3D-card, sent it on Dec.30 2016, but the packaged still didn't arive...
                          What did arrive was the bouquet of red roses that I ordered for her early in January. It's her second bouquet ever (and both were my gifts). So she was very happy. And me too.
                          Distance means nothing when someone means everything.


                            I think part of it is, so may people equate "gifts = he must love me", when in reality it isn't so. I get flowers other times, and gifts delivered to school when i have had a rough week.. Why should V-Day have to prove anything ?


                              Originally posted by sasad View Post
                              I think part of it is, so may people equate "gifts = he must love me", when in reality it isn't so. I get flowers other times, and gifts delivered to school when i have had a rough week.. Why should V-Day have to prove anything ?
                              My SO doesn't want flowers delivered to her school. She's opposed to flowers being sent to the workplace. My ex before her was the same way (also a teacher). Everyone else was okay with it. So I don't need to worry about sending flowers to her workplace. :P

