Me and my boyfriend didn't really get to do anything today so we want to do something together tomorrow.. He suggested watching a movie but I want to actually do something with him, any ideas?
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What to do together on Valentine's day?
This year is our second Valentine's Day together as a couple. Last year I went out and visited him in Tennessee while he was stationed there and we went to Graceland I had never been there and then he took me to dinner we had a wonderful day. This year he is deployed so I am sitting on my patio in warm sunny Arizona having dinner by myself and enjoying every second of it!getting down didn't do anyone any good. I mailed him a care package and he actually sent me flowers so it's been a good week
"Strength in Us!"
"exclusive" since May 13, 2016
** Shortened the distance!! December 2016 **
closing the distance in ~ Oct. 2018