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Immigration anyone?

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    Originally posted by Elena View Post
    How do you guys feel about making the move to another country? Especially for people where there's not much considering which country to live in, but there is a necessary choice of one country because of the situation you're in (sorry if that's confusing!). I already know I like being in Brazil, but living there is another I just hope that I find myself being happy there, because it's really the only logical option!
    This is one of the biggest problems for me.

    Let's just say that I'm not exactly a fan of the US. I'm fine with visiting it and it does have its good sides, but it's just not the kind of country where I'd like to live in. And then I just had to go and fall in love with an American - and one with a serious disease that makes it nearly impossible for him to move, too! I love Finland and my family, and having to leave them all behind will be heartbreaking.

    I'd like to wait some time and see if I can get some friends and career/studying opportunities there, and otherwise just try to warm up to the idea of living in the states. But Jesse really seems to want me to move really soon, as in 1-1,5 years. I can't blame him, since he views time differently because his life-expectancy is so much shorter than us others, but I just don't feel ready yet and I'm afraid that I'll end up miserable.

    And I'm the most afraid of how it's gonna be after his death - what am I suppose to do in a country I don't like, without the one person that brought me there? Argh, why does this have to be so hard.


      Taija, yeah, that seems pretty complicated :/ I think I struggled with the idea for a while, but right now I feel like it's a good time for me to go after I graduate in May, not a whole lot (besides family and friends) is keeping me here, and I want to give 'us' a real chance. But at the same time, I know that I could always come back to the U.S. if things don't work out...would it not be an option for you to go back to Finland?
      Good luck on figuring things out!


        wow! seems like a long and tedious process!

        In my case it is harder for him to come here, as he can only stay for 3months tops and if i "claim" him then up to 1 year but with backup papers showing he has enough money to stay that long (which he obviously doesnt if you compare the peso with the euro) but luckily our plans are for me to move over there and for some reasons europeans are welcome almost everywhere in latin america without questions or lines (wonder what it is!)
        anyway, I can stay there for up to six months renovating my stay every time and I can get a work visa and stay as long as my contractor likes (contracts are open ther by the way ) and no need to get married, well, no help in getting married either as for him it wouldnt count until he proves he lived in europe for 2 years at least and that he was employed during.

        It seems harder and harder each year for people moving to different countries, in Spain recently they started promoting a new law because we used to have our doors open to almost everyone in latin america (because of colonization) but recently because of the flu and the lack of jobs and new politics (dont get me started) things are changing everywhere!

        All of us in this site are thinking about moving elsewhere obviously and once we have that covered as most of you said, the next worry: getting a job! aaaaahhhhh that is haaaaard everywhere nowadays!
        Enamorada de ti!!


          this one of the things my boyfriend and I do not want to talk about but we have to. I am a US immigrant so I can't be the one to go back to the Philippines. But he really doesn't like it here. He likes Canada. So that's quiet complicated too. The best option for us would be for me to petition him for Fiancee Visa to come here. then see where we would go after that - I would go wherever in the Universe as long as I am with him! We're really young too and he's not yet done with school so this will be years to go. We both agreed that if *by God's will* we marry, we would not have a baby yet for atleast 2 to 3 years - take things slow and make ourselves really ready for a family. We like kids and want to have our own someday but there is a right time for that - and to think, having a baby's a lifetime responsibility.


            Mad Molly - Yeah, I think that's still the case

            Elena - That's the hard part for me too.

            Taija - *Hugs*

            We havn't looked into immagration. I'm afraid to even ask about it, because if we talk about immagration I'm sure he'll feel he's won, that I'm backing down, that Canada is our "forever". Right now I'm happy to put that off, even though I desperatly want answers about where my future is going.
            Ideally I'd like us both to have duel citizenship.
            I'm against the idea of marrying just to immagrate though, I can't really pin-point why.... Maybe because I want him to marry me when he wants to, because he wants to, not to make life "easier". Gods I'm fickle.

            Goodluck to you who've started the process though! It seems quite scary.
            Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


              My boyfriend has to be the one to make the move if we are ever to have a future together and I've already explained it all to him and he knows that. My mum has a serious condition and I'm the only family member she's got left, so I have to look after her for the rest of her life. Until then, I can't move away or out of the country. Still, I feel bad because he's going to be the one who has to fly 15 hours each way to see me. Once I graduate and get a real job, I'm going to help him out financially as much as possible, because those flights are not cheap. Plus, I know he absolutely detests the weather here (hot and humid!), but the fact that he's willing to brave that for me makes me understand how much he loves me.

              As for immigration I'm not too sure he wants to take up citizenship here since he already has a British passport which is really good. And in the long run (like, after we're married for a few years and we've both got proper jobs), I really want to immigrate to the UK to be with him. He would most probably get permanent residency here until then.

