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With Amanda Once Again :)

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    With Amanda Once Again :)

    so I woke up at 4 yesterday....could not be more excited because Its time to see my babyyyy! So I get to the airport, check my bag, go thru security, the usual. get on the plane, and I ended up falling asleep. I usually sleep thru my flight to detroit because its less then a half hour. I wake up, text amanda that I landed, and walked off. I go out and realize that im still in Traverse! so im on the phone with amanda, and a lady told me that there's something wrong with the plane. So I didnt end up getting any answers until a few hours later, and I ended up finding out that the plane needed a part that was being ordered from Minnesota, and wouldn't be here until tuesday.

    the guy at the counter asked what I wanted to do, and I started talking to this couple behind me who decided they were going to drive to Detroit, which is only 4 hours. They agreed to let me go with them, if I paid them gas, no problem.

    They went to go rent a car, and out of 4 rent a car places.....NO CARS! Are you kidding me? and APPARENTLY...every car rental place in town runs out of there, yeah right. They decided to take their truck, so now we gotta get our bags. No one is telling us anything, even though we saw them take our bags off the plane about 3 hours before. We got our bags, and me and he guy I was riding with had to call the 800 number for Delta to book new flights.

    The first girl I could barely understand and had nooooo idea what was going on, she transfers me to another girl. This girl...obviously knew how to do her job. Got me my flight, the info I needed, I was all set. We drive and get to Detroit at around 2:30ish I think?

    We split up, so I look at my ticket and the girl wrote B4 for the gate that I had to go to, I look at the monitor thing and it said C10. So I went past B4 and that was going to Ohio, obviously not right. I go to c10 and my flight wasnt until 5:45, so I had to wait like 2 and a half hours, mind you ive been up since 4, so i'd about had it. The gate I was at, along with the gate next to it ended up getting cancelled or delayed, so I started to worry. I got on the phone with the delta people again, and there is another airport in New York that would get me in sooner, because my flight got delayed again.

    Amanda didnt wanna drive there, which I understand because its wayyy busy cuz its in new york city! So the girl at the counter said my flight wasnt going to leave until 7, which was another 2 or 3 hours, I wasnt too happy.

    I was walking to my gate, because the monitor put me at the wrong gate...what else could go wrong right? And I looked at the white plains flight, and it was boarding at 6:10, so I got excited because that was well before the one I thought I was on!

    to cut the story short, got on the plane, got off, saw Amanda and I was soooo happy! we got home, had a good night and here we are WHAT A LONG DAY! didnt get home until like 10!
    My <3 is in Connecticut

    WOW!!!! Amanda...that boy LOVES YOU! How frustrating that must have been...wanting to see her sooo badly...and yet you were so close yet so far.

    Very happy for the two of you!!!!
    NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


      Ugh, what a huge headache with the travel mess! I get all panicky whenever there are issues with my flights and all I want to do is GET THERE to see him!!

      But all was worth it at the end of the day eh!! So happy for you guys... ENJOY!!!!!
      We collided and fell out of nothingness... scattering stars like dust


        That sounds like a mess indeed.
        I'm glad everything worked out for you guys! Have a good time with her!


          Yikes! That sounds like a crazy day of travel stuff! Glad it all worked out in the end!

          Have lots of fun you two!


            thank you everyone! we are going to see Going the Distance tonight...very excited!
            My <3 is in Connecticut


              Man alive what a day! All worth it in the end though I bet

              Have a great time together guys
              In a relationship with

              Read mine & Tanja's story here!

              My Albums:
              Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
              Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
              My dog Sam ♥


                You are one persistent boyfriend I love it!!
                I wish you guys an awesome time together - you sure deserve it after that messy journey


                  So glad it all worked out! What a day.

