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hi all, Argentina & England

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    hi all, Argentina & England

    I'm from the U.K and she is in Argentina. She tells me she doesn't have Skype and we very very rarely talk via video call and only when she uses her daughters fone (although her daughter lives with her) rarely being maybe 1 time a month or 2 months.
    I went out to see her for the first time in 2016 and I gave her a ring (that was very expensive by English standards) as it was something I had promised to her whilst in recovery from Bladder cancer.
    I made the visit to see her whilst I was recovering and although I was weak from the 9 hour surgery I had 7 months previous to my departure I still made the visit to her as I was promise I would.
    before I left I gave to her about 3 months in wages in the hope she would get a fone in order to enable her and I to talk via Skype or similar but back now just over 3 months and she still has no fone and has never told me just what she was do with the money.
    I bought for her whilst I was there a passport and yes she has this now and when I have mentioned to her that I would pay for her to visit me in England she has not wanting to and would prefer to wait until I have my new home which will be later this year in a coastal area of England.
    She constantly complains of little money and has recently asked me to lend her money which I refused after she removed me as a friend in facebook after a stupid little disagreement we had when I raised the issue with the little communication from her.
    I met her family whilst I was staying at her home and I (and I think she) had a nice time but more recently she has again been complaining of debt which obviously gives me strong doubt that as I (at this time) am having to survive on limited sick money whilst I recover fully from my surgery and is not easy to send out money to her as I have limited money available to myself at this time.
    I will be returning back to my work as the cancer was removed hence the huge 9 hour surgery I was undergo at the end of 2015.
    Since my return back to the U.K (just over 3 months) she first claimed she may have caught HIV and when I asked "what gives you the thought you may have HIV" She claimed she may have caught it from her sister and when I was to remark "it is a disease when bodily contact is made" She answered "yes and we share a straw when we drink matè" (an specifically Argentine drink that is usually shared. She wanted I go for a HIV test which I did and passed with no worrys ~hence 2 weeks after she then claimed she and her sister was also clear.
    Next she claimed to have a Tumor and thus went on until lately she is now saying it is not a tumor but something else which is treatable.
    We have little contact although there are other men (whom she calls 'amigos' from Austria and other places) whilst I was there I gave her full access to my fone including my password yet when I asked to look in her fone she passed it to me and upon me going to the menu she snatched it back and would not allow me access to her fone.
    She removed all pictures of me from her facebook although she still keeps 'engaged' written in her profile but there is nothing about me and as said all pics have been removed.
    I (after she removed me and all our pics) did the same and am reluctant to put any pics back to my facebook about her due to feeling I am wasting my time with her.
    Recently (since 1 month of returning) have been feeling about ending this relationship as I feel in my gut instinct that this is a relationship I can do without and although I feel love I also feel it is wasted on the wrong person.
    I would be interested to know what you think .. thank you for taking the time to read my first post here since joining ..jk

    I'm really sorry, this is going to sound awful (and I don't know the whole story), but from what you write it sounds like she is using you for your money. Sounds to me like this is definitely a relationship that you can do without.


      I'm sorry to hear you've had such a grueling experience with bladder cancer, although I'm glad you are better now.

      Unfortunately I agree with xxcazaxx, it really does look like she's into this for the money. When you left her some money I assume you told her it was for a phone -- and now you don't know where she's spent it. Even if she wasn't using you for your money, you need to ask yourself if you want to be with someone who does not seem to have good money management skills.

      It also seems like she's trying to hide you from her social media presence, which is suspicious, especially if she hasn't given you a good reason for it. Not having any pictures of your SO on your social media is in itself not necessarily a red flag, but only if both parties have talked about it and are in agreement over it. This does not seem to be the case here.

      Best of luck to you. I know ending a relationship is not easy.
      So, here you are
      too foreign for home
      too foreign for here.
      Never enough for both.

      Ijeoma Umebinyuo, Diaspora Blues


        Thanks for the replys & best wishes. Breaking up is indeed tough but breaking up when it's absolutely needed is not as tough.


          Hi JK69... im sorry about this, im from Argentina, i have to say:

          * Respectful women dont ask for money, they work for it... there are a lot of women who wants a provider man...And because of the exchange difference they look for a foreign husband

          * To get a phone here is not too expensive...

          * Have internet connection either...

          * Skype is easy available...

          * HIV is not spread through straws... (seems she wanted to get ride of sorry)

          I think you should move on... and relationships, it doesnt matter if they are long distance or face to face... are based on respect and trust, and equiality

          Best wishes

