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5 long years

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    5 long years

    Hey! I thought I'll ask you guys your opinion. Me and my SO have been in an LDR for two years. I am from Eastern Europe and he's from Canada, so meeting for us is really difficult, tickets are super expensive best case scenario is to meet twice a year.. I'm in my first year of university and he is working. The thing is, I have 4 years and 10 months of university left here, there is no way for me to study in his country sadly, so we have a plan to get married in 3 years, get me a spouse visa and close the distance after I graduate. We love each other so so much and lately these 5 years seem so scary to me, it's a damn long time and I'm scared it might be impossible to keep this relationship alive for so long. I thought about changing my uni course to a shorter one, but my current course is what I always wanted to do.. The thing is I would definitely give it up for being with him but I feel like that might not be the right thing to do, I don't even know... so my question is, is it even realistic to make an LDR work for 5 years when meeting only twice a year? Is there a way to not grow apart when being away from each other for so long?

    Don't change courses just because of the duration. That's gonna backfire in your own life later. You have a clear plan so it is easier to handle the distance. We have been doing LD almost 5years and there has been highs and lows. Our problem is that we started to think about a plan 4,5 years into the relationship and that created a lot of problems. Seems like you have a plan so it is doable. Time will go by quickly. Just enjoy uni and live your own life, don't just wait around to the time go by


      You have a plan!! And a cd date! Of course you can do this. Just make sure you always commmunicate and be honest with each other. It actually kind of cool you can plan visits in advanced. saves money and you know when.. Think about it this way.. in 8 visits, youboth will be together. Twice a year is really good. You can plan your wedding, look at furniture you both like and stuff like that for your transition. It's so dooable! As far as changing classs... dont do it if you are doing what you love.. Can ou perhaps take extra classes and finish sooner instead? You are in a great place in your ldr!


        You've made it 2 years already and how quickly did it go by? the next few will as well. You're young and time will pass quickly! When there's a will, there's a way. Just keep doing what you have done for the past 2 years that have made you this strong, and you'll only get stronger. Look at it this way too, you have your priorities in order, school then marriage... very responsible life plan if you ask me. You've both thought this out and are working to make it happen.

        "Strength in Us!"

        "exclusive" since May 13, 2016
        ** Shortened the distance!! December 2016 **
        closing the distance in ~ Oct. 2018

