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What makes you thankful?

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    What makes you thankful?

    Weird thought tonight, but as my roommate goes out tonight for a one night stand and some heavy drinking, it makes me realize just how thankful I am for having such a strong relationship with my girlfriend. What other kinds of things make you thankful for your relationship?

    I am thankful to have an amazing boyfriend who is able to put the biggest smile on my face and he accepts me for who I am. I love that boy!


      I am thankful for having an amazing bf who understands me, he really understands and never thought i could find someone who could be able to since i'm such a confusing, difficult person at times. Also i am thankful for him because he helps me a lot when comes to school or personal issues i have. Gosh i love my bf


        I'm thankful for a girlfriend who puts up with my stubborness, accepts my random sense of humor, is there for me no matter what, and is as committed as I am


          I'm so thankful that I have found someone who really cares about me to go continue being in a relationship, no matter the distance. I'm thankful that she only wants me and in general thankful for her. I love her so much and sometimes I don't know what I would do without her being there. (No matter where there is!)
          For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love.


            I'm grateful that I don't have a guy that was like my ex best friend's 4 LDRs. She really made me not want one since they all were jerks, one cheated on her, and another turned out to be a psycho.

            I'm very thankful I've found someone who understands me, accepts the uglier sides of me knowing it's who I am and what I can't change, who has the strength to wait for me when other guys might not, who knows what to say when I'm sick or upset, and who can brighten my week with only one text message, no matter what it says.


              I'm thankful that I found a bf who is willing to do almost anything for me.

              I mean just thinking of all the money he spends just to see me. (flight tickets 6 times a year, half rent etc.)
              Even though money is not a good example... that makes me feel special that he is willing to pay such huge amounts to be with me.
              Also the smaller money gestures like, if I talk about something on skype and he's like "want me to buy it for you?".

              Once again, money sounds like a bad example, but still... money is important in the world and that he is willing to spend his on me (he is not rich) makes me feel thankful. (and sometimes awkward).

              But not just money... just all the things he always offers to do for me. (carry things, waking up 40 min. earlier on 12 hour shifts just to talk with me, etc.)


                I'm thankful for being lucky enough to be in love with my sweetheart and for her to feel the same way. Even though an LDR isn't easy, it makes it easy when I know that she's what awaits me at the end of it all
                In a relationship with

                Read mine & Tanja's story here!

                My Albums:
                Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
                Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
                My dog Sam ♥


                  im thankful i found someone who loves me for who i am, who i know wont hurt me, that she understands me even though i can be a pain in the ass sometimes, that i was paying attention when true love came into my life


                    I'm thankful that my SO is a hardworking man, who loves me unconditionally, and truly accepts me for who I am.
                    NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                      I'm thankful that I met someone who gave me the strength to get out of bad stuff I was doing (drinking, smoking, etc.), and I'm thankful how he has me looking forward to a brighter future


                        I'm thankful she's been able to put up with all the weird things I do.

                        I'm thankful she's been able to see all the good in me and has pushed me on to do things I wouldn't normally do.

                        Most importantly, I'm thankful she's mine.
                        National Novel Writing Month Participant- 2010, 2011, 2012
                        National Novel Writing Month Winner- 2010, 2011, 2012

                        Current Writing Project: Wait Until Next Year


                          I'm thankful that my boyfriend is also my best friend. He brightens up my day with a smile, and he makes me feel like I'm truly important and special.


                            I am thankful to have a man that listens to me unconditionally and with his heart.


                              I am thankful to have someone who never gives up on me. For someone who loves me for who I am. Who wants me to spend my life with him. Someone who got over his own fears to let someone else into his life. I am thankful to have him in my life and heart. He was the missin part of my heart and soul and only with him I can be truely fulfilled and happy.

