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One of those days when you wish you were with your SO

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    One of those days when you wish you were with your SO

    It's not been a good day. I was at work today and got a phone call that someone I know (causally through my job), was killed in a motorcycle accident yesterday. She was young (30), so beautiful, and newly married. I didn't know her well, mostly through emails and phone calls, but for some reason it's really weighting heavy on my heart. I guess those sudden deaths always make you feel extra sad....particularly for a young person who was so beautiful. I think it makes me realize my own mortality. Here today and gone a second later.

    About an hour after that my 14 year old son texted me to tell me his friend killed himself last night. He shot himself in the head. I can't imagine what is so terrible that could cause a young child to do this. He'd been to my house in the past and spent the night with my son. They skate together every weekend. Suicide is one of my biggest fears. So many children do it. They think it's the only way out. They have NO idea what it does to their family and friends. I came home and went to hug my baby, and he just held on to me for dear life. He's heartbroken, and I am so sad for him. To top it all off I had a huge argument with my husband in the oh one tonight and hung up on him. It was a very stressful day and I guess it all got to me.

    Tomorrow has to be better......

    I love him. Forever. And every day after that.

    I am so sorry to hear about what's happened and consequently how it made you feel. I have days like that - where, it doesn't rain, it pours.
    But, myself and my SO are finding that more and more lately, that we just want to be together more and more.
    43 days for me but I want it now!

    Anyway, again, I'm so sorry for the losses of life you mentioned here.
    Met Online: 1998
    Relationship began: January 2017

    FIRST MEETING: June 2017
    SECOND MEETING: October 2017


      I'm so sorry to hear that. It always makes the distance feel further when something as hard as a death happens around you & you have to kind of deal with alone because they arent there geographically to physically console you. It's the worst, I know.
      Last edited by Loveyoumore; May 5, 2017, 02:16 PM.


        I am sorry. It is strange how sometimes people you dont know super well still hit you so hard when they die. It is in part probably that we are reminded of our own mortality and the mortality of people around us. Traffic is the no 1 killer of younger people and I think we all know this, but we dont like to be reminded.

        When people are young, they are so vounerable. Small things matter so much to them, they are impulsive and they are quick to act. Their brains and emotions work on overload and is no friend to them.

        You are doing the right thing; you are there for your son, who needs you. Dont worry about your SO tonight; he is an adult and can take care for himself for a little while.

        Yes, I know the times where you wish your love was there. It is hard to be an adult in a relationship and still have to fend for all in daily life.

        Best wishes for everyone - better days will come
        I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
        - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

        "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


          I'm so sorry, a constant reminder that live is so precious.

