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Troubles sleeping

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    Troubles sleeping

    So i had another post about me being sad after my SO left after her visit ,but last night i could not sleep. i was in a 4 year long relationship with an ex that ended in dec. i didnt have any problems sleeping after she left me either so im confused .i found my self not able to sleep longer then an hour at a time i went to bed at 2 am

    I just managed to say screw it and get out of bed now .its now noon. i tried to cuddle the pillow she slept on when she was here . it worked to get me to sleep, but i couldnt stay asleep

    we have known eachother for 7 years ,but have just started dating march 30. this was our first visit .we do regular face times on fb and text regularily mostly for our communication.instead of voice calls we just video chat. for some reason im having a hard time with the sleeping alone even though i had no problems before she came to visit

    anyone else go through something similar and have and advice?

    We had plans to face time when she got back home before bed . she was tired, and just wanted to relax because she had to go to bed early to wake up for physiotherapy for a hirt shoulder. Im not sure if not gettin to talk to her on video chat like we planned was part of the cause or not .

    the real advice or stories i would like are how to ease back into sleeping alone after they leave. i put the bit with my ex in there, because I first thought I was just lonely . then looked back and realised i had no problems even after spending 4 years beside eachother then one day no one here .with my current SO though im having a hard to adjusting it was only 2 sleeps together thats why im confused as to why i am having troubles sleeping without her all of a sudden
    Last edited by Arcasylum; May 8, 2017, 01:14 PM. Reason: Grammar and paragraph spacing

    No offence meant, but some interpuntion (dots, comma's, capitals) make it easier to read for the people who don't have English as their first language... To be honest, I find it so hard to read that I can't understand what you are trying to say.
    Again, no offence meant. Just my two pence.
    Distance means nothing when someone means everything.


      Edited it hope that makes it a bit more clear for people to understand


        You may laugh at me, but when I used to work early morning and late night jobs and had to sleep as soon as I hit the pillow to get enough sleep, I used lavender essential oil. Put a couple drops on your feet or collarbone, sprinkle it on your pillow, get a diffuser, play relaxing worked for me One of my residents at work has lavender lotion and just the smell of that relaxes me...thinking to get my own bottle and put some of it on. Lol might be way out there, but there's my vote. Lavender oil ftw!


          Originally posted by autumn1790 View Post
          You may laugh at me, but when I used to work early morning and late night jobs and had to sleep as soon as I hit the pillow to get enough sleep, I used lavender essential oil. Put a couple drops on your feet or collarbone, sprinkle it on your pillow, get a diffuser, play relaxing worked for me One of my residents at work has lavender lotion and just the smell of that relaxes me...thinking to get my own bottle and put some of it on. Lol might be way out there, but there's my vote. Lavender oil ftw!
          Excellent idea. Bath & Body Works has a stress relief spray that I used to always put on my pillow. It made falling asleep pretty easy.

          I also like to fall asleep with my tv on low in the background or my fan going for white noise. A body pillow my help as it would give you the illusion of having someone else in the bed.

          Some people will Skype or Facetime together when they go to bed. They just leave the application open so that if they wake up during the night, they can see/hear the other person. Of course, this only works if both parties agree.
          To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

          ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.


            I use an electrical blanket to fall asleep and stay asleep. It has a timer on it, so the hazard is minimal.
            I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
            - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

            "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits

