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Cliché Gifts?

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    George is an amazing gift-giver!
    I LOVE... gifts that aren't BORING. Now, I'm not saying I wouldn't mind a dozen of tulips, but I do enjoy the thought in useful/fun items as gifts. George got me an awesome Star Wars pop up book and a Bamboo pad for my computer for Christmas. Ladies, those are... EPIC. It's not jewelry or some little 'Christmas bear', his gifts were thoughtful, knowing I love to do picture editing and have ALWAYS wanted an 'epic' pop up book.
    ...Jewelry can be for whenever he can't think of anything else... or wants to propose! Haha!

    ...Who doesn't love chocolate? [The good stuff, not the random-chocolate. I love the fine, expensive stuff... but a Hersey's kiss doesn't do me bad either. :P ]


      I would rather receive something heartfelt than just something bought, but you can buy something heartfelt. I think that if he sends you your favorite flowers because he remembered, flowers are a great thing. But if it's a "well I didn't know what else to get you" maybe not so much? Getting a gift should really be special either way.


        I love hearing everyone's perspectives on this one! My SO has been really broke for the past few years, so he really hasn't been able to give me many gifts. And he's really not one to put a lot of time into making a homemade gift, though I don't think he realizes how much something really small and inexpensive could mean for me. It really is about the thought, not about what it is for me.

        One thing he always buys for me is pickles.... I love pickles, so he's always looking for new kinds for me to try. He even packed a bunch of jars in his suitcase when he visited me while I lived in France... They just aren't the same there


          I love getting gifts like chocolate, flowers, soft toys... it's always so cute and sweet and makes me smile. I also love getting my SO stuff like that. She very much enjoys it too.


            I'm not a flowers and candy sort of person, which is good because with the things my beloved's threatened to send me, if I was I'd be out of luck. XD *still waiting for the day she gets silk boxers in the mail*

            I like weird things so naturally stuff out of the ordinary makes great gifts for me, especially weird antiques like old skeleton keys that I can make into stuff. I send out weird gifts, too. I gave my SO a plush beating anatomically correct heart (it beats when you shake it) for his birthday.

            Cliche gifts, to me, are flowers, jewelry such as diamonds or gold, spa days or surprise dinners at home. Stuff you see in chick flicks, I'm not for any of it. Gimme a guy who'll take me to a toy store and chase me with a nerf gun over that any day.


              I love getting flowers but most favourite is getting fruit shaped liked flowers


                Well, we sorta do the cliche gift thing, but with a twist. Lemme list some examples.

                Instead of a teddy bear, I've gotten a Zombie plushie and a Chewbacca plushie. I sleep with them every night :'D.

                Instead of flowers (because I'm highly allergic and they're just plain girly), Edible Arrangements P:

                Instead of Chocolate, Dayquil (which sucks since we found out I'm deathly allergic to it @_@)

                Other than that, we don't do traditional. We're too damn lazy for that. I've gotten Star Wars, Shawshank Redemption, scratch mark scars XP, Subway sandwiches (we love Subway!), days off of work, things I can't mention outside the adults forum >.>...<.<...>.>... Ramune, uh...too late to remember anything else @_@.


                  My SO ordered flowers to be delievered to me. They were beautiful! And it wasn't even for like a special date, it was just random. And i love it when she includes Milka chocolate with her gifts! So yummy. I love heartfelt homemade things. Just like I love making things, like videos, cards, anything really. I love toys and such too.


                    I am okay with cliché gifts, but i like more the useful or creative ones. I love if my SO is getting really good ideas and making them come true. For example: He gifted me last time a CD, which was not an ordinary one. He wrote down a love letter and recorded himself telling the story. And he wrote me a song, which is on this CD too. It was uber sweet of him to do something like that! <3

                    I am also not gifting something 'usual'. I rather think of what the person likes and their hobbies, so i can make something out of it. I already gifted my SO a really big plushie guitar because he loves guitars and music. Furthermore i gave him a book to learn my language and self made cards, for example one with a self drawn spiderman on it (i am a artist, so its easy for me :3).

