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Please help me :(

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    Please help me :(

    Hi everyone, I'm new here. Here's my story. I met my bf 3 years ago at a work function. He lives 2 hours away from me. So we were doing LDR for about a year, than he moved in with me. We both have 2 kids. Mine are with me all the time, I have sole custody. His kids stayed with their mother 2 hours away from us. He was going to get them every weekend and they stayed with us on March break, Xmas break and all summer. He is the love of my life. He was out on this earth just for me. This past Wednesday, he told me he's moving back to be closer to his kids. It's too hard on them. He has no time for them when they are here because he works all weekends. He wants to go back to doing LDR. I'm not sure I can do that. I think it will be too painful for me. He says we would see each other about every 3 weeks. I'm not sure I can handle the goodbyes. We had planned to grow old together but can this be done in an LDR relationship? I need to hear from people who have been in successful LDR. Is it really hard? Is it worth all of the hurt and sadness when it comes time to say goodbye? Is it possible for this to last? I love him like I've never loved anyone in my life. I'm 37 years old. I want him by my side forever but idk if I can do this. I'm so sad

    How old are his kids? Does he have any plans of moving back? Can you not move with him?


      You are only two hours away......that's an hour drive for each of you to meet in the middle. You can have dinner, see movies, go for a walk....nearly every day. I drive further each way for my commute to work every day. Why can't you see each other more than every three weeks? That makes no sense. My husband is 950 miles from me, and we are together EVERY weekend.

      I love him. Forever. And every day after that.


        What kind of help do you want? Do you want to be with him now until forever? Go with him. Are you prepared to wait a while until he comes back? Do so. Are you not able to do LDR and you think you are better off breaking up? Can you do that? Will that be less painfull? Are you sure?
        Sorry to say, but it's only 2 hours. That's nothing, it's what, 150 miles? My first LDR was in 2002-2005, no skype, no internet (she didn't have), only phonecalls and letters (by ordinary post!). Over 1,250 miles. My present LDR is close to 7,000 miles or whatever.
        It's not the end of the world, but if you only focus on what you don't have, you'll never make it. Focus on what you do have.
        Sorry if I sound harsh. Get yourself together and focus on what you have.
        Distance means nothing when someone means everything.

