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I don't wanna...

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    I don't wanna...

    My honey and I have been dating for 7 months now. It's kind of hard to believe that we even made it so far sometimes. We met at work, and never really spoke much until one week we suddenly worked multiple shifts together and he "jokingly" told me he didn't want to be just friends. Initially I brushed it off because I never really took dudes seriously when flirting with me, I was always so focused on school, they seemed so irrelevant. After inviting me over for thanksgiving dinner, because my family and I weren't on terms, I knew I wanted to be with him. We spent every day and night after that getting to know eachother, and made our relationship official on Dec 1st. Ever since, I've been the happiest girl alive...until i had to move that is. I've been gone for about 4 1/2 months now and am finding it harder everyday to deal with this emotionally. I have depression and anxiety so the distance isn't making it any better. I'm so used to waking up to him and seeing him everyday that I feel so empty most days without him. We talk but it's the actual physical presence. We argue so much and I'm almost certain the distance is the only reason. I love him with all of my heart and the thought of us not being together kills me inside. I was going through so much when I met him, I just feel like God placed him in my life to save me. I don't wanna break up but I don't know how much longer I can put up with the pain of the unknown. What do you think? How do you guys cope?

    Simulair to a lot of the same questions... So a simulair answer.
    Build your own life, build a life and get him in, don't build your life around him. That's not going to work.
    And there is always the unknown. No matter if you're apart in an LDR or if you have been married for 50 years. Tomorrow is always unknown.
    We can't decide for you. What does hurt more, you think: waiting for him with the prospect of talking to him, visiting sometimes, or breaking up and never see and hear him again? That's your desicion only.
    Distance means nothing when someone means everything.

