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For all same sex couples!

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    For all same sex couples!

    I talked to the lawyer guy that specializes in same sex couple immigration and he said something about the law thing called DOMA(Defense of Marriage Act) which is basically the law that keeps same sex couples apart from doing the fiance visa to get there partner over to the US, and he told me that they need alot of people to talk to there senators or people in higher power to convince DOMA how unfair it is to keep couples apart just because they are the same sex. And he told me that they are closer then ever to achieving that goal of same sex couples to be able to have the same rights as straight couples, i told Denise this yesturday and she was quick with "lets do it!" we have always been extremely vocal about gay/bisexual/lesbian/transgendered rights and we'll continue to do so. Here is the link to the lawyer person i've been in touch with and email or call him to see if he can give you the resources in your area to get in touch with people:

    Wonderful! I support the local LGBT community here in St. Louis, myself. I want the right to do things open to same sex couples same as hetero couples. ^^

    LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


      well thats good! and by all means contact your senator or whoever and let them know we need the same rights as straight couples do!


        bumping a bit


          I've been reading stuff like this alot lately. Its sad that families are being torn apart because of this. There is also the UAFA (Uniting American Families Act) which basically means it allows a US citizen/permanent resident to sponsor their same-sex partner. I have read tons of stories where same sex couples with children have been torn apart because one of them has lost their work visa due to the economy and jobs being lost. If they don't find another job within 10 days, they are sent back to their home country. But yet if they were a heterosexual couple, all they would need to do is get married and that would be that. Makes me so mad!!! Here is a website for the UAFA act as some of the stories.

          Another Immigration Equality site

          Here is some info on how to get involved...every effort helps!

          it's not a dream anymore, it's worth fighting for


            ive heard about that, thats why we need to contact people like your senators, the president, ect to get this passed! because all of what you said is not only sad but it pisses me off, i mean how dare they keep loving families apart just because they are the same sex, how they like it if someone tore there family apart and sent them back to where they were born based on one stupid law!


              I know it makes me so mad I just want to punch something. Last time I checked America was supposed to be "the land of the free" but we aren't free to do s***! On the one website there is a sample letter that people can send to their Senators and other officials. Anyone know Lady Gaga's address haha...she will fight for the gays lol.
              it's not a dream anymore, it's worth fighting for


                Lady Gaga is awesome!!! i love her more now! Like Denise was telling me the other day what diffferance does it make if your the same sex as long as your in a healthy stable loving relationship you being the same sex shouldnt matter! its not fair that they have to keep people who love each other more then life itself apart, its complete bullshit!


                  I know that's all that should matter. Canada has allowed it for immigration for a few years now and they haven't burned down yet lol...and their economy is way better than ours is right now.
                  it's not a dream anymore, it's worth fighting for


                    lol well hopefully the US will follow suit, and the US and UK have very strong ties with one another so hopefully we can get the ball rolling with that!


                      We need everyones help on this. This is the only issue keeping most of us apart from our SO's. It's completely ridiculous that the only reason this is not an option for my SO and I is because neither one of us is a guy. We are closer now more than ever to having this passed but it needs more senators and state representatives to cosponsor the bill. I have made it super easy for you guys...

                      Find your senator here:

                      Fill out the letter:

                      And send!!

                      Every little bit helps!
                      it's not a dream anymore, it's worth fighting for


                        ive done that a few weeks ago and yes please email your senators people!


                          I even wrote a letter to Ellen haha....I know its a long shot that she will even see it but hey you never know lol
                          it's not a dream anymore, it's worth fighting for


                            I'm a straight ally.


                              If I was in the USA I would absolutely do that. Good luck with it! I hope it helps make a difference.

