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    Long story short, my boyfriend has a crazy mom who abused him and he moved with his father ( which they are divorced) and so his fathers house is almost like 30-40 minutes away. The thing is he was fine in my school because his father brought him until now.
    Now they are kicking him out and not accepting school choice anymore and he has tried everything to stay in my school because of me. I know hes now focused to getting a GED and going to college but neither of us have a car right now and neither of us have licenses and
    I just feel like screaming and crying because I feel locked in a bubble where only my mom can drive me to his house and its only like saturdays and sundays but I have one drivers ed lesson left and I just feel like i cannot do it like I cannot live without him by my side every 5 seconds because of how much stress and anxiety i have he has always been their and now hes not so im just having a hard time with this all

    Please give me.your feedback and give me big tips on how to resolve my positivity about this and how to keep our relationship thriving

    Originally posted by hgiggy View Post
    Long story short, my boyfriend has a crazy mom who abused him and he moved with his father ( which they are divorced) and so his fathers house is almost like 30-40 minutes away. The thing is he was fine in my school because his father brought him until now.
    Now they are kicking him out and not accepting school choice anymore and he has tried everything to stay in my school because of me. I know hes now focused to getting a GED and going to college but neither of us have a car right now and neither of us have licenses and
    I just feel like screaming and crying because I feel locked in a bubble where only my mom can drive me to his house and its only like saturdays and sundays but I have one drivers ed lesson left and I just feel like i cannot do it like I cannot live without him by my side every 5 seconds because of how much stress and anxiety i have he has always been their and now hes not so im just having a hard time with this all

    Please give me.your feedback and give me big tips on how to resolve my positivity about this and how to keep our relationship thriving
    First - BREATHE

    Second, you can't make someone else responsible for your happiness, reduced stress and anxiety levels. That is too much to put on anyone else and honestly, not their responsibility. It sounds like he has enough going on in his life that he needs to be focusing on. These are things you need to learn to deal with and if that means getting professional help to assist you with that, it's okay.

    Third, take the time to look at the positives. You can still see him on weekends. You are close to getting your license. He didn't move across the country.

    You both have individual lives that appear to need to be worked on. You can support each other through this situation but you can't do that if you are doing nothing but being negative about the situation. Unfortunately, right now your relationship may not be the main priority. One step at a time. By your post, I can tell you are very young and now is the time to start to learn how to function as an individual. By stating you "cannnot live without him by my side every 5 seconds" is very unhealthy and whether you are 15 or 45; definitely not a good thing in a relationship. Again, BREATHE, step back and take a look at the big picture.
    To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

    ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.


      Here is advice from my own experience that I offer to folks who get caught up in waiting for the next text from their partner:

      Are you a student? If yes, go to school. Focus on school.
      Are you gainfully employed? If yes, go to work and be present at work.
      Have friends? If yes, spend time with them. Enjoy yourself.
      Have hobbies? If yes, spend time on your hobbies.
      Have family? If yes, spend time with them.
      Have interests? If yes, spend time on those things you are interested in.
      Have internet? Read about the stages of relationships so that you will be knowledgeable about how relationships grow.
      Exercised today? If not, go for a walk or jog or bike ride. Get active.
      If you answered no to all of the above, change your life so that you can answer yes to some of these things.

      Be a whole person so that you can be a whole person in a relationship. Become a priority and have a great relationship with yourself. Do not rely on your partner to complete you. Be a complete person whose partner is a positive addition to your life.

