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I talk about what I can do to close the distance.. him... not so much.

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    I talk about what I can do to close the distance.. him... not so much.

    Hello guys!

    Back again!

    My SO have been together for almost 6 months. We haven't met in person yet but we consider ourselves official.

    So my SO lives in the US and immigration regulations are very strict there. But I have come up with multiple options on how I can close the distance or at least visit for extended periods of time. I have mentioned too him about me doing a work holiday visa in Canada as he lives in Washington State. Not far from the border. Working for accomadation and food within America through a website called Workaway if he doesn't manage too get his own place. And also considering working in summer camps.

    Anyway, I have come up with a lot of options and I have mentioned all these too him. However he doesn't really think about what he can do too close the distance. Or at least if he does think he doesn't tell me.

    Is this a sign of things too come? Am I going to be running around after this guy spending all the money, making all the effort for someone who won't make the same sacrifices for me? I'm really sorry. I know you can't read his mind. I just wanted to know what people in LDR's thought. And too get it off my chest a little. Sorry if this is a pointless thread.

    Maybe you should work on a regular first visit time first, like a week or two? Never having met someone, and being told they're coming for an extended amount of time, can be a bit intimidating. You may be getting way ahead of yourself here.
    Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


      Yeaah, you're right. I think I also need some sleep and need too stop being paranoid 😂 thanks for the reply. Means a lot 😊


        I agree with Moon. Planning big life events with a person you have never met and only known for 6 months seems a lot. i'd be a bit scared and not know what to say. Have a few week long visits and then start working from there.


          I know it’s hard and get your fears that you think you’re being logical by planning ahead, but it’s not going to do that, it’ll actually scare him and you.

          He probably thinks even if we wanted to close the distance it’ll still be a process that takes time to be done so finding a solution for it NOW is useless.

          I know us women think with our emotions often, but it’s actually healthy to see it from his practical and logical point of view too!

          Now the focus should be on getting to know each other and meeting for the first time!

