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Five More Days!!!

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    Five More Days!!!

    Five more days until I go back to uni, and this year, my bf is there too! We'll be a half hour walk (for me) or a ten minute drive (for him) away from each other for five days a week 3 months out of four! I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!

    I don't think this really counts as completely closing the distance as we'll be back to LD for holidays, never get weekends together and next year I'm leaving to travel. But for the next ten months (with three months holiday LD), we can see each other four days a week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!


    Also a bit scared.... But in a good way. We just have to get used to being CD again. After adjusting.. Well I'm sure you all know how I feel, there's no need to tell you

    Yay! I'm happy for you! That's really great :3

    First Met Online: May 08
    Became a Couple: 4.11.09
    First Visit: 7.27.11 - 8.11.11
    Second Visit: 9.15.12 - 9.23.12
    Third Visit: 7.6.13 - 7.14.13


      I think that's wonderful - enjoy uni and have a GREAT time together!

      LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


        great news!!
        NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


          That's wonderful news


            That's great to hear =]
            I hope you guys have a great time being CD!


              That's fantastic!

              No wonder you can hardly contain yourself
              In a relationship with

              Read mine & Tanja's story here!

              My Albums:
              Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
              Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
              My dog Sam ♥


                i love it, today is good news day!


                  Thanks Everyone!

                  Just thought I would add.. OMG I'M MOVING TOMORROW!!!!!! Which means I have no electricity till I sort that out (thank goodness I have friends to steal showers from) and no net for a while So byebye everyone for as long as it takes to sort out my life.... So about 80 years

