All members should understand the rules before posting. Not complying with the rules may result in banning.
– If you are posting a general question or are seeking general advice, please perform a search on the site to make sure someone else hasn’t already posted your topic.
– When replying to threads stay on topic.
– Be clear and concise when asking for advice. If you’re writing a post to vent, your blog on LFAD may be a better place to post (all LFAD members have blogs).
– Press the enter key between paragraphs; walls of text are hard to read.
– Take the time to check over your grammar/spelling, it is appreciated!
– It is helpful to provide links to any previous posts you’ve made, if they are relevant to a new thread you are posting.
– Please do not expect everyone to agree with you. People will share their opinions, whether or not it’s what you want or expect to hear. Likewise, do not get upset if someone disagrees with you. Respect other members’ opinions even though you may not agree with them.
– Do not ask for your threads or posts to be deleted. It’s not fair to members who have taken the time to reply to your thread.
– Do not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, hateful, threatening, disrespectful, insulting (including name calling), offensive, or otherwise violative of any laws will not be tolerated on the forum and may result in banning.
– Do not use abusive or violent language, even if not directed specifically at another member. (eg. commenting on a post to say, “if I was dating someone like that, I’d slap her,” is neither helpful nor constructive).
– Do not use excessive swearing.
– Keep all mature, sex-related content in the LFADult section of the forum.
– No trolling, flaming, or badgering. Also, do not “feed the trolls.” Report them.
– Do not post spam. Includes linking to a competitive website or forum. It will result in immediate removal. Also, soliciting members for personal gain will not be tolerated: any links or posts that ask for money (eg. GoFundMe) or listing items for sale will be removed. Affiliate links are also not permitted.
– Don’t post questions like “Does he/she like me?” “What’s going on with him?” etc. We do not know what the person is thinking; we’re not psychics!
– Don’t ask us for gift ideas for your significant other without first checking out the ideas in the gift section of the forum or the main site.
– Do not tell others that they cannot post in your thread. Everyone is allowed to post as they please as long as they are respectful.
– Do not use anything other than the standard font/color/size/etc. Reading things like this is neither easy nor enjoyable, and even small changes can make things much more difficult for people with visual disabilities.
How to Report a Post
– If you see someone breaking the rules, report their post. You can report a post by clicking the small black triangle button at the bottom of the post:
– If you are posting a general question or are seeking general advice, please perform a search on the site to make sure someone else hasn’t already posted your topic.
– When replying to threads stay on topic.
– Be clear and concise when asking for advice. If you’re writing a post to vent, your blog on LFAD may be a better place to post (all LFAD members have blogs).
– Press the enter key between paragraphs; walls of text are hard to read.
– Take the time to check over your grammar/spelling, it is appreciated!
– It is helpful to provide links to any previous posts you’ve made, if they are relevant to a new thread you are posting.
– Please do not expect everyone to agree with you. People will share their opinions, whether or not it’s what you want or expect to hear. Likewise, do not get upset if someone disagrees with you. Respect other members’ opinions even though you may not agree with them.
– Do not ask for your threads or posts to be deleted. It’s not fair to members who have taken the time to reply to your thread.
– Do not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, hateful, threatening, disrespectful, insulting (including name calling), offensive, or otherwise violative of any laws will not be tolerated on the forum and may result in banning.
– Do not use abusive or violent language, even if not directed specifically at another member. (eg. commenting on a post to say, “if I was dating someone like that, I’d slap her,” is neither helpful nor constructive).
– Do not use excessive swearing.
– Keep all mature, sex-related content in the LFADult section of the forum.
– No trolling, flaming, or badgering. Also, do not “feed the trolls.” Report them.
– Do not post spam. Includes linking to a competitive website or forum. It will result in immediate removal. Also, soliciting members for personal gain will not be tolerated: any links or posts that ask for money (eg. GoFundMe) or listing items for sale will be removed. Affiliate links are also not permitted.
– Don’t post questions like “Does he/she like me?” “What’s going on with him?” etc. We do not know what the person is thinking; we’re not psychics!
– Don’t ask us for gift ideas for your significant other without first checking out the ideas in the gift section of the forum or the main site.
– Do not tell others that they cannot post in your thread. Everyone is allowed to post as they please as long as they are respectful.
– Do not use anything other than the standard font/color/size/etc. Reading things like this is neither easy nor enjoyable, and even small changes can make things much more difficult for people with visual disabilities.
How to Report a Post
– If you see someone breaking the rules, report their post. You can report a post by clicking the small black triangle button at the bottom of the post: