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Coming back home

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    Coming back home

    I always forget how hard it is to come back home after visiting my boyfriend. I didn't cry like I did last time, but it feels just as hard. Also kind of frustrating, I really wish we could close the distance already but nothing is in place yet, which is why it is frustrating...So far its only been two days and all I have done is go back to work and sleep, and the holidays aren't helping. How do you guys deal/cope with coming back home after a visit? And what would be a good distraction
    California- Alabama
    Relationship began: April 4, 2017
    First visit: Alabama: April 4-8, 2017
    Second visit: Alabama: August 22-30, 2017
    Third visit: Alabama: December 9-19, 2017
    Fourth visit: California: May 25- June 4, 2018
    Fifth visit: Alabama: September 15- 26, 2018
    Sixth visit: Alabama: December 18, 2018-January 3, 2019
    Seventh visit: Alabama: April 2-10, 2019

    As Dr. Seuss (I think) once said, "Don't cry because it's over; smile because it happened." I often dwell on one special visit with my girlfriend to this day and think how lucky we were to have that time together.

    Another way to deal is to start planning your next meeting as soon as possible. That will give you something to work on and something to look forward to.


      Yes I know how you feel. When I came back from visiting my boyfriend I was crying like crazy at the airport and even when I came back home. We all have our good and bad days when dealing with the distance and I like you wish we could close our distance too as I hate to not have my boyfriend physically near me.
      There is no right or easy way to deal with the pain but try to keep distracted focus on your job, family and friends also if your hobbies are not so time consuning take up a new one like yoga or try meditation.
      I myself have a very demanding job so I struggle to make time for family and hobbies and at the moment I am not coping very well with the distance but I am willing to try new things to help me cope with the pain until I can see my boyfriend again. It may be hard and seem like there is no end to the pain but once you guys are together again it will all be worth it in the end :-)
      When they stand before us they find...A force they were not ready for.

