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is it okay to allow your ldr boyfriend to get his sexual desires from other women

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    is it okay to allow your ldr boyfriend to get his sexual desires from other women

    I broke up with my ex ldr boyfriend because I found out that he was intimately chatting with other girls online. then later on he confessed that he still loves me but he couldnt handle the distance.he wants me to stay and still chat with him..but then I found out that he hangs out with his other local ex foe comfort and sex. what should I do? it seems that his sexual desire is stronger than love.

    Well, some people are in open relationships. But that's definetly something to agree upon BEFORE doing anything, otherwise it's simply cheating.
    I would not want to be in an open relationship. But that's a personal choice.
    If that's not for you either, I suggest to stay broken up. You deserve better than being cheated on.


      There are couples who have open relationships and make it work. However it doesn't happen without discussing it beforehand and without both of them agreeing to it.

      He cheated on you and betrayed your trust. Just because he told you afterwards doesn't change the fact that he lied before and he created on you.

      He doesn't love you. He's playing with you and he wants to keep as many women as he can in his life.

      How do you know you are not his "side chick" and that he's not telling the other women same lies too? Run away from him. You deserve better!


        Originally posted by C.C. View Post
        There are couples who have open relationships and make it work. However it doesn't happen without discussing it beforehand and without both of them agreeing to it.

        He cheated on you and betrayed your trust. Just because he told you afterwards doesn't change the fact that he lied before and he created on you.

        He doesn't love you. He's playing with you and he wants to keep as many women as he can in his life.

        How do you know you are not his "side chick" and that he's not telling the other women same lies too? Run away from him. You deserve better!
        I agree with C.C. here. What it sounds like it to me is cheating. Plain and simple. If he’s gonna have sex with the other woman while still dating you without your consent... then that sounds like cheating, unless you decide to have an open relationship with him, it’s all you.


          you both are right. its more convenient for him to be in an open relationship..he gets the emotional connection from me..and the sexual desires from others haha..its just so funny. thank you guys for responding...I really have to put an end to this guys game.


            If I was in your situation, I wouldn't be okay with it. And it's okay not to be okay with it.
            Most people want to be monogamous and that's okay, I prefer it that way too.
            I wouldn't be okay with my boyfriend doing that.
            IIt's okay to still be friends with your exes, in my opinion, but it seems like he wants the cake and to eat it too!
            I would break up with him and say HELLLLL NO to the possibility of getting back together.
            Your needs, wants and preferences are number one. Don't be with someone that makes you feel icky

