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    Great idea for a thread, Michelle!

    The last year of my life has been pretty chaotic, but I’m happy to report that a sense of normalcy and calm is finally setting in
    It’s been one year since I’ve had contact with my ex, and although I still struggle with some post-traumatic stress and depression from all the events that occurred, I consider each day a blessing and a fresh start! My SO and I have really been through the ringer over the last year, but I think it’s made our relationship stronger and healthier. We’re tentatively planning on closing thr distance by next year


      I moved to the US over 3 years ago to be with my husband! We've been married for 3 years in January and are still enjoying married life together!
      We bought a house together with his sister and her husband last year and have been living in it for over a half year. Having your own house gives us a lot of advantages we did not have in the apartment we had before.
      My BIL & SIL got a dog and even though I am SEVERELY allergic to dogs, I have no reaction to Hope which seriously is a miracle.

      I plan on visiting back home next year for my 30th birthday!

      Relationship began: 05/22/2012
      First Met: 03/21/2013 - 03/30/2013
      Second Visit: 06/06/2013 - 08/21/2013 ~ Proposal: 07/06/2013 ♥
      Third Visit: 10/09/2013 - 01/08/2013
      Closed the distance: 11/20/2014 ♥
      Married: 1/24/2015
      Became Resident: 9/14/2015


        Taking it slowly.

        First Visit: September 2016
        Second Visit: January 2017 (Her birthday)
        Third Visit: June 2018 (medical conference near her home)

        John 3:16
        For God so loved the world. That he gave his only begotten son. For whosoever believeth in him. Shall not perish but have eternal life
        John 4:12
        I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


          I closed the distance. SO and I now live together. She moved from her city to mine and she is now going to school for her PhD. I still have my old house and hope to list it for sale soon. We bought a new house last July when she moved to my city. Finances are tight, but we live comfortably. I'm very frugal so I stretch money as far as it will possibly go. I look forward to my old house being sold, and when she finishes school so we can have 2 incomes again. She doesn't have much of an income while she's in school. She does get a stipend for student teaching, though. Aside from financial woes, all is well and is about as even-keeled as it has always been.

          A lot has changed over the past year.


            Ive been reading posts here for a week or so and I love reading the stories! I'ts quite comforting to know im not alone in this journey!

            I met my BF on OKC while I was preparing to close my account, when I noticed he was in Germany I immedietely figured that we would just chat a couple of times and then it would naturally fade out. That was 10 months and 2 trips ago! I'm a little freaked out about a LDR in my 30's but reading the posts on here help me feel bettter.
            looking forward to reading more!
            Last edited by Wambby; March 19, 2018, 06:10 PM. Reason: spelling


              Hi all. I'm a new member and this seems like the right thread for my first post. I'm so new to long distance relationships, it's hard to say if I'm in one, but it sure feels like it!

              My LDR experience has started due to our paths crossing at work, our companies work together. He's on the vendor side. Me the client. We've known each other for about 6 months and met 4 times professionally. There seemed to be a connection, but work is work so that's, that... until recently. We had a dinner meeting and maybe by design, was just the two of us for dinner and most of the cocktail time following (though some colleagues did join later). And here's what happened - During dinner, we traded stories about personal travel goals. Turns out, one of them we had in common but involved tickets to an event that I couldn't tickets to cause they were sold out already. Later that night, after dinner, he volunteers that we could go that he knew friends that could help find tickets. So, I said...sure (a bit dismissive and non-believing) that if he could get tickets, then we could go. If I go, he goes... that's the deal. Well, it's 3 weeks later. We text everyday. And just booked our trip! I'm thinking maybe that makes it LDR potential. We have so much in common that I can't keep track anymore. Oddly, it comes at time where I had just personally opened up to the idea of dating again cause I had taken a long break. It feels so right and so simply organic that there's no real decision to make, just go with the flow day to day, and let the book write itself.

              Fast forward to why I joined this Forum... Because, personally, we have only texted each other. Actually seems to match the comfort level of each person. Given our professional ties, it seems that taking the step for a personal phone call makes the LDR aspect more real than booking the vacation (because even that can be done virtually). I'm hoping we talk this weekend though. In our last text, I did suggest we swap vocal cords from time to time. Not to push these along faster (although it might)... mainly, I have a conference call with him next week and I fear blushing in front of my colleagues if I don't hear his voice soon before then!

              Anyhow, that's my current story! Not gonna look into it anymore than knowing most people don't agree to randomly travel together and spend a week together if there's not a connection first. Our trip is about 5 months away, but he'll be in town next month for business. I've asked him to consider extending his trip, so we'll see! I feel scary feelings for the unknown since a personal phone call and an actual date prior to the random trip may likely actualize the LDR aspect sooner than expected. That's what makes me nervous. It's almost too good to be true. And if it turns out to be real....not sure I'm ready to face that! .... but definitely not gonna second guess a thing if it continues to be organic and natural!

              Thank you for any and all feedback!


                Started our relationship in 2012, got married in 2016, he moved here full time two months ago. He was able to get a transfer with his company, which is amazing, and actually the new job was a promotion. Next stop, Vice President! We travel all the time and are actually in an airport as much now as we were for the last two years! This time, we are traveling together! Life is amazing for us. Better than I could have hoped.

                I love him. Forever. And every day after that.


                  I don't remember my old name here, but I had a SO who lived in Maryland. Met once and he dumped me when I got back to Texas.

                  Right now, I'm not seeing anyone, LD or not. I just joined because I missed the community. Good to read of all the people on here and their sucesses and sad to read of any failures. Also, it suprised and made me happy all the males that seem to be on here. I think in the beginning when I joined, it was mostly women.


                    Thank you, hehe. I'm one of those men and my lady and I are still going strong, apart from the rough patches that occur in every relationship, of course. Tomorrow, April 4, our daughter will have her graduation from primary to secondary school, meaning we skip our weekly camsession, but it's for a good cause. I'm so proud she's in the top 4 of her class!
                    We also are thinking of postponing our first meeting from coming September to coming December, spending Christmas and New Year with my ladies.
                    Distance means nothing when someone means everything.


                      Originally posted by erwin1973 View Post
                      Thank you, hehe. I'm one of those men and my lady and I are still going strong, apart from the rough patches that occur in every relationship, of course. Tomorrow, April 4, our daughter will have her graduation from primary to secondary school, meaning we skip our weekly camsession, but it's for a good cause. I'm so proud she's in the top 4 of her class!
                      We also are thinking of postponing our first meeting from coming September to coming December, spending Christmas and New Year with my ladies.
                      You're welcome!


                        Hey guys, it's been a while since I last posted.

                        This has been a crazy year already, and last year was pretty bad, so some good news should be on the way soon!
                        It's been a time full of injuries (on my part), and my SO is still recovering from the fact he failed an exam that retained him for a year,
                        but trying as this year has been, it's just shown how much we are able to get through even with the distance.

                        He is slated to get his bachelor's degree this year, and I'm looking extra hard for a job that pays enough to bring him here.
                        I might have to consider sacrificing my passion to the coffee industry, (it doesn't pay much if you are entry-level) I don't have a high enough education to move straight to management.
                        I'm sure to be back on it as soon as he's here though!

                        3 years, still going strong!

                        Follow our story on Tumblr~


                          I’m active again. I took about 4 years off this site. Had a boyfriend in my hometown for 2 years, that relationship did not work out. Ended up in January after my recent break up connecting more with my best guy friend who lives in Missouri. He has always been there for me for the last 7 years. He has always liked me but I didn’t want to ruin our friendship. I took a chance and a relationship with him has been the best thing I’ve had in a long time. We have 2 trips lined up to visit this year so far. I’m excited. I’m glad to be back on the forums.
                          Last edited by hrp2007; April 8, 2018, 03:20 PM.


                            So nice to read everyones story

                            Me and my boyfriend closed the distance 6 months ago (short term solution) after 5 years of LDR and have been living together in his homecountry. We never really had a plan and went with the flow so I hit a wall a few years ago and needed something more. This started a series of problems that we are sorting through. I'm doing a course so I know in about 6 months we really have to have a talk about what we want. So for now we are together in the same place and not concntrating on the future and kinda testing the waters on what it is like being together in the same place after all this time.
                            Last edited by Rezie; April 11, 2018, 04:07 PM.


                              Love this idea!
                              I met Nil in 2014 in India and we started a long distance relationship in late 2015. Had an amazing time together in 2016 but we haven't been able to meet physically since as he left his job to regain his pilot license and things have been so up in the air for him work wise. Hopefully meeting him in November this year (he has said that nothing is going to stop it this year, but part of me still worries about whether it will materialise as he still doesn't have a permanent job and is freelancing). Currently going with the flow with regards to closing the distance.


                                First post here! I live in the US and my boyfriend lives in SE Asia. I met him when I was on a trip in his country and about a month later, he was able to come to the US for something related to his university and we were able to meet up, so that's when we officially got together. In a few months we'll have been together for one year Unfortunately we're still students with no income and as of now don't have a date for when we'll next see each other. Hopefully we'll be able to visit each other in the near future!

