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Who believes in "Right person, wrong time"?

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    Who believes in "Right person, wrong time"?

    As the title says, Who believes in "Right person, wrong time"?

    You love each other but circumstances beyond your control or ability to workaround are causing you to not be together. Is there a chance to be with that person again? Can anyone share stories where a breakup happened and you got back with the person you love?

    Some context of why I'm asking this: Was in a LDR with an amazingly beautiful (inside and out) woman for about 6 months. And when I finally got the opportunity to see her, things ended. She cited something I had said about 3 months prior that made her feel that I was condescending and that it caused her to feel less and less attracted to me since then. Mind you she NEVER brought this up with me until the breakup and I wish we had an opportunity to argue and fight over it so we could at least work things out. We also got into the stupidest of fights just after Christmas which was a few weeks before I flew out to see her. When I finally arrived, she mentioned a lot of things of why it won't work out, but mostly pointed to me taking so long to fly out to see her. She also mentioned that it was "wrong timing."

    It was wrong timing cause it wasn't just me that was being held up, but her too to visit me. When we first connected through a dating app, I was just about to put my house on the market. I told her that I was hoping to get this out of the way and then I'd be able to see her hopefully in the coming weeks. Then the real estate slump in Toronto hit and weeks turned into months. As I told her, selling my house was going to be the base of my financial future and I had already sunk in $10,000+ on the roof and other repairs so I just needed for her to hold on a little longer. Around November, we had a small argument (not knowing at the time this was stemming from the "condescending" incident) and set a firm deadline for January to meet. I moved the planets and the stars to fly out to see her only to be heartbroken that she wanted to end things. For her, she was in between jobs and didn't have the funds to visit me neither. She also cited the breakup was noting that past relationships had got in the way of her career.

    p.s. her favorite movie is The Notebook which definitely has a "Right person, wrong time" theme in it.

    Yes, sometimes that can be the case but there can be ways around it if you are both willing


      I used to and maybe to an extent, but I don’t anymore cause I really in my heart of hearts if you love someone and know in your being that they consume you, you would try whatever it takes to make the timing right.

      Don’t fall for people who use circumstances as excuses, humans are resilient, just look at how the history of inventing planes developed or just about anything in the world. If you’re stubborn enough, you’ll get what you want or at least so darn close to it.

      I hate punches though. Like “it’s not you, it’s me.” Have you seen the show deal or no deal? When a player gets for example 75,000 and they could still play and risk losing it all, or making 100,000 instead. Someone who sees the value wouldn’t risk it, they’d say no deal, I’m sticking with the 75,000

      What I’m saying is if someone sees your value and love you, then wouldn’t risk it even if there were better things out there.

