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Communication issues

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    Communication issues

    Hello everyone, first off I want to explain a little back ground. My girlfriend and I have been dating for over 2 years now. in the past 3 months ever since she flew back to college on the east coast we’ve barely been talking. I think it may be me just being insecure because of past relationships or just me overreacting. But if I don’t initiate the calls or most of the texts we really won’t talk much at all. And I’ve been giving her space to do her thing because of school, track, and a social life of course. And I understand life gets in the way because I used to be a student athlete for soccer. I just miss her so much and I feel like we’re like acting just more like friends then a couple. And I understand being busy I really do. I work two jobs and go to school but I still try and make time for her. We say I love you and all that but every time we talk it’s for 2 seconds because she is with her friends and I was ok with talking in front of her friends but sometimes I want to just talk to her and have a movie date over the phone or something. Like I just want an hour of her off day. And when she says she can finally talk. She goes out with her friends instead and I sit at home waiting for her to call because she said we could talk... idk what to do

    Have you talked about this with her and explained it's bothering you? Does she fully understand your perception of the situation? If not, ask to have a talk and see where that goes. If nothing changes, follow your heart on what to do. Good luck!

