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Horribly depressed

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    Horribly depressed

    I met the man of my dreams. So good to me and his kids but then he had to go away for work 19 hours away. He has a house in Ohio that has to sell before he can come home to afford the wages he would make here. His house payment is 1500. Yet he ismt making that happen.

    I'm honestly doing all I can to make the best of this but I cry alot. It rocked our home. The boys don't understand and I miss him. He tells me that I'm not making the best of this and it hurts him. I don't know how to he happy that half of me is gone. Is it true that I'm that bad? Do all other women just adjust so easily?

    I'm pretty sure this ldr is going to destroy us. I'm so depressed I can't even see straight. I domt know what to do. I can't give him what he wants. Happy that hes gone. I send him naked photos and videos because he likes it. Care packages. I thought o was doing enough

    I know how you feel, I am in a very similar situation and not being able to function and having no support makes everything so much worse. I'm here for you

