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Sometimes routine is the worst!

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    Sometimes routine is the worst!

    Hey hey, I just want to complain a bit and maybe hear some opinions... I think the worst in a LDR is the routine of your own life that desperately needs (in my case) HIS presence. We are together since 2012, great fights, great happinesses, managed everything with distance 12000 km and duck it for ducks sake, still going strong.

    But here I am, its 10 pm, he is learning for a test tomorrow and I try to find a meaning in my own life... played a bit with the cat, made dinner, packed bag for work tomorrow. Knitting a sock. And feeling really lost, because... i don`t even know why. When you are alone, you pay attention to every passing minute and you know that this minutes will form the next months without him. And it fills me with a sadness i cant handle. I wrote to some friends in a hope for distraction, but they are busy, families and kids etc. I guess we -the LDR nomads- are a special kind hehe

    How do you handle such moments of intense sadness? Who wants to join me with a glass of a good red and "How to fight loneliness" from Wilco?

    Well, I'm alone, too. I live in a 250sqft oneroom appartment, my cat died 2 years ago, and I seldom see anyone (by choice, that is). Yet I keep myself busy and if I don't my ex keeps me busy... I have enough to do here and whenever I feel sad without my ladies, I pic up some photo's and look through them. Or I go for a walk, for example.

    Luckily usually I am very strong, I have a strong will and I know that what will come, will come. No use overthinking that (although I have to admit sometimes I do that, of course).

    Why don't you just do something differnt, get out of the routine. Just go windowshopping, for instance, or start learning German, for example..?
    Just some ideas.

    Yes, I know how it feels, I'm not saying I'm not familiair with it. Try to keep yourself busy and do not think too much about waiting. Don't wait, be active.
    Distance means nothing when someone means everything.


      I feel my lonliest when I am home in the evening I like now haha, so I try to avoid it as much as possible bu doing things outside. i joined a dance class so I can impress him with my bachata one day. ive made some dance friends and it occupies some time. I also joined a gym and at times like now when I find myself at home, i come here and read stories or watch a intense movie


        I also feel lonely most of the time I'm home. My SO lives about 9000 km away from me, and she's sleeping when she gets home from work, at about 5 pm my time. We usually stop chatting at about my lunch time or sometimes near 2, 3 pm as she's busier at work. Sometimes I'm also busy at school or at work, or at rehearsals with choirs or other people - sometimes concerts. When it's evening here, I'm usually at home, with my parents, doing activities separately. My father is watching a movie or two, my mother goes to bed early due to her health issues, and I spend the evening online, playing FIFA Mobile on my phone and spending (or wasting) time on facebook, instagram, discord (in which I mostly chat on the LFAD Discord Room - not much nowadays as one of the most active members is visiting his SO). I feel the same as you about messaging friends. I rarely message my friends who live close to me, even if we don't often meet - I rather chat with those who live far away..

        It's difficult, but we handle it well, in my opinion. Yes, we're a special kind, sometimes not understood well by other people. I think we're stronger than them.

