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It’s complicated and I need help

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    It’s complicated and I need help

    Hi I am on long distance relationship with my bf m, we started dating on March, we met in China I was studying in one city called nanjing and he is too (until now). I graduated on July and I went back home, he is from one country in Africa and I am from Malaysia. I wasn’t having intentions to be his gf at the first place then I came back to China, the same city for a work and he was telling me he wanted to be official so I said yes, let’s try and unfortunately I got my scholarship for language school in other city, 3 hours from his city by fast train. And we met in February and this month we plan to meet again but he is sort on financial crisis and asked me to pay for half and half, and I was thinking that I need to safe my money so I wouldn’t think that i could help him and he said let’s meet when I have more money and I will come visit you, I was disappointed and I understand that I am not being understanding gf so I called him at night and he was out and he told me that he would call but he didn’t until 1 a.m then I blocked him, the next day I knew that he tried to contact me so I unblocked him. yesterday he sent me text by his friend’s mobile phone and telling me that his mobile phone is broken, and today he hasn’t sent me messages and I feel like a bit off and why didn’t he send me an email instead. This long distance is killing ne

    I don't think it's complicated. It's all problems that can occur. In my humble opinion, you're making it more complicated than it is - especially by blocking and unblocking him. Besides, I find that a childish action - you're not 14, are you? Maybe he is a bit off, too, because you blocked him at first, and feels like he has no business with you any more. Not all men chase a girl after she made it clear she wants no contact - it's called respect, you know.

    You should also understand, that he has his own life. Being in an LDR does not mean being on the phone / cam / chat 24/7. He is absolutely entitled to go out with friends and having a little fun himself. You can't blame him for that. Eventually he contacted you, so I see no fault in that.

    As I said, the reason he didn't contact you might be because he got second thoughts after you blocked him.
    Distance means nothing when someone means everything.


      I agree with Erwin. You are being very childish about this and making it complicated. Him not having enough money and asking for you to pay half is not out of line. You also have all the rights to decline to do that. Is there a possibility that you would go visit him?

      That being said. He was out an told you he would call, but when he didn't do that by the time you wanted you blocked him? That is very childish. Lear to communiate. He promises to call and doesn't because he is out "honey, if you say you will call later but you see that it's getting late or you don't have the time. Send a message to tell me that". "pumpkin, if your phone is broken and we can't contact, would you please send an email". Communicating feelings make LDR a lot less complicated.

